On Tue, 14 Jan 2014, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
> Seems that marking an OSD as ?out? has other effects than removing an OSD
> from crush map.
> I guess weights are not changed if the OSD is marked out?
Right. The 'out' is a like an exception. The PGs on that OSD are
redistributed uniformly across the rest of the cluster. Adjusting the
CRUSh weights instead will also redistribute the data, but there is some
overhead due to the hierarchical placement algorithm, so slightly more
data will move.
> So how can I test that with crushtool?
Use the (confusingly named)
[--weight|-w devno weight]
where weight is 0 to 1.0
in combination with the --test function. 0 means out, 1 means in, and you
can also have a 'partial failure' somewhere in between.
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