I have a test setup for Radosgw on a single box. The Swift side of
things works fine, but trying S3 (via boto) I am encountering the error:
error reading user info, uid=('X5E5BXJHCZGGII3HAWBB',) can't authenticate
Now the access key above is correct (see below), and I have copied the
secret key correctly. Also the secret key is 'nice' in that it contains
no escapes etc.
I've followed http://ceph.com/docs/next/radosgw/config/ for setting the
gateway up (including the rewrite rule for S3). It *looks* like I'm
running into a variant of http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/1522, unless
I've done something silly...
Any ideas?
---------------------- Details ------------------------
Ceph Version:
0.67-421-g56ff410 (56ff4101a12e190caea9805dd5fb250ab5fa8e8c)
Radosgw config:
host = zmori
keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.rados.gateway.keyring
rgw_socket_path = /tmp/radosgw.sock
rgw_data = /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/$cluster-$id
log_file = /var/log/ceph/radosgw.log
rgw_dns_name = zmori
rgw print continue = false
debug rgw = 20
Boto prog:
import boto
import boto.s3.connection
access_key = 'X5E5BXJHCZGGII3HAWBB',
secret_key = '....................' # redacted
conn = boto.connect_s3(
aws_access_key_id = access_key,
aws_secret_access_key = secret_key,
host = 'zmori',
calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(),
bucketlist = conn.get_all_buckets()
User info:
{ "user_id": "markir",
"display_name": "Mark",
"email": "",
"suspended": 0,
"max_buckets": 1000,
"auid": 0,
"subusers": [
{ "id": "markir:swift",
"permissions": "full-control"}],
"keys": [
{ "user": "markir",
"access_key": "X5E5BXJHCZGGII3HAWBB",
"secret_key": ".................."}],
"swift_keys": [
{ "user": "markir:swift",
"secret_key": "........................."}],
"caps": [],
"op_mask": "read, write, delete",
"default_placement": "",
"placement_tags": []}
Radosgw log:
2013-09-01 16:24:31.435847 7fd3ecfa1700 2 req 3:0.000110:s3:GET
2013-09-01 16:24:31.435871 7fd3ecfa1700 20 get_obj_state:
rctx=0x7fd3e8005eb0 obj=.users:('X5E5BXJHCZGGII3HAWBB',)
state=0x7fd3e800bd98 s->prefetch_data=0
2013-09-01 16:24:31.435879 7fd3ecfa1700 10 cache get:
name=.users+('X5E5BXJHCZGGII3HAWBB',) : miss
2013-09-01 16:24:31.436471 7fd3ecfa1700 10 cache put:
2013-09-01 16:24:31.436479 7fd3ecfa1700 10 adding
.users+('X5E5BXJHCZGGII3HAWBB',) to cache LRU end
2013-09-01 16:24:31.436483 7fd3ecfa1700 5 error reading user info,
uid=('X5E5BXJHCZGGII3HAWBB',) can't authenticate
2013-09-01 16:24:31.436487 7fd3ecfa1700 10 failed to authorize request
2013-09-01 16:24:31.436520 7fd3ecfa1700 2 req 3:0.000782:s3:GET
/:list_buckets:http status=403
2013-09-01 16:24:31.436565 7fd3ecfa1700 1 ====== req done req=0xe3d140
http_status=403 ======
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