Thank you for the explaination.
By mounting as filesystem I'm talking about something similar to this:
Using the kernel module, I can mount a subdirectory into my directory
tree - a directory, where I have assigned a pool.
Using fuse, I can't mount a subdirectory?
By the way setting the layout seems to have a bug:
# cephfs /mnt/macm01 set_layout -p 4
Error setting layout: Invalid argument
I have to add the -u option, then it works:
# cephfs /mnt/mailstore set_layout -p 5 -u 4194304
Kind Regards,
On 13.08.2013 12:09, Dzianis Kahanovich wrote:
Georg Höllrigl пишет:
I'm using ceph 0.61.7.
When using ceph-fuse, I couldn't find a way, to only mount one pool.
Is there a way to mount a pool - or is it simply not supported?
This mean "mount as fs"?
Same as kernel-level cephfs (fuse & cephfs = same instance). You cannot "mount
pool", but can mount filesystem and can map pool to any point of filesystem
(file or directory), include root.
First, mount ceph via kernel - "mount -t ceph" (just for "cephfs" tool syntax
compatibility). For example - to /mnt/ceph. Then say "ceph df" and lookup pool
number (not name!), for example pool number is "10". And last:
mkdir -p /mnt/ceph/pools/pool1
cephfs /mnt/ceph/pools/pool1 set_layout -p 10
or just (for ceph's root):
cephfs /mnt/ceph set_layout -p 10
Next you can unmount kernel-level and mount this point via fuse.
PS For ceph developers: trying this for qouta (with "ceph osd pool set-quota")
semi-working: on quota overflow - nothing limited, but "ceph health" show
warning. In case of no other ways to quota, it may qualified as "bug" and not
too actual only while big number of pools performance limitation. So, FYI.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Georg Höllrigl
Xidras GmbH
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Tel: +43 (0) 2983 201 - 30505
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Email: georg.hoellrigl@xxxxxxxxxx
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