The subsystem is the name of a Ceph subsystem: mon, mds,
or osd.
The capability is a string describing what the given user is
allowed to do. This takes the form of a comma separated list of
allow clauses with a permission
specifier containing one or more of rwx for read, write, and
execute permission. The allow * grants full superuser
permissions for the given subsystem.
For example:
# can read, write, and execute objects
osd = "allow rwx"
# can access mds server
mds = "allow"
# can modify cluster state (i.e., is a server daemon)
mon = "allow rwx"
- A librados user restricted to a single pool might look like:
mon = "allow r"
osd = "allow rw pool foo"
- A client using rbd with read access to one pool and
read/write access to another:
mon = "allow r"
osd = "allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow pool templates r class-read, allow pool vms rwx"
- A client mounting the file system with minimal permissions
would need caps like:
mds = "allow"
osd = "allow rw pool data"
mon = "allow r"
On 07/16/2013 08:34 PM, Ta Ba Tuan wrote:
Limit access to specified pool through key authentication.:
Example, i having a pool is 'instances', and setting permission
#ceph auth get-or-create client.instances mon 'allow r' osd 'allow
rwx pool=instances'
On 07/16/2013 08:04 PM, Markus Goldberg wrote:
i created a few pools with
'ceph osd pool create <poolname> 100 100'
and set a relation to corresponding directories with
'cephfs /mnt/myceph/<dirname> set_layout -p
I can list the pools with 'ceph osd pools'
I can mount the dirs/subdirs at the client with
'mount -t ceph /mnt/myceph -v -o
(admin.secret is the key for the data-rootdir (/) )
how can i give specific clients read/write access to only a
subset of the pools ?
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