On 06/25/2013 09:06 AM, Wolfgang Hennerbichler wrote:
On 06/24/2013 07:50 PM, Gregory Farnum wrote:
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 10:36 AM, Jeppesen, Nelson
<Nelson.Jeppesen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What do you mean ‘bring up the second monitor with enough information’?
Here are the basic steps I took. It fails on step 4. If I skip step 4, I get
a number out of range error.
1. ceph auth get mon. -o /tmp/auth
2. ceph mon getmap -o /tmp/map
3. sudo ceph-mon -i 1 --mkfs --monmap /tmp/map --keyring /tmp/auth
4. ceph mon add 1 <ip>[:<port>]
What's the failure here? Does it not return, or does it stop working
after that? I'd expect that following it with
it does not return. I just ran into the same issue:
# ceph-mon -i b --mkfs --monmap /tmp/monmap --keyring /tmp/keyring
--public-addr x.y.z.b:6789
ceph-mon: created monfs at /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-b for mon.b
# ceph mon add b
2013-06-25 10:00:25.659006 7f28ec5fa700 0 monclient: hunting for new mon
just sits there forever.
On mon a I see:
# ceph --admin-daemon /run/ceph/ceph-mon.a.asok mon_status
{ "name": "a",
"rank": 0,
"state": "probing",
"election_epoch": 1,
"quorum": [],
"outside_quorum": [
"extra_probe_peers": [],
"monmap": { "epoch": 14,
"fsid": "61ebf2c4-5290-4fbb-8a84-bc8797351bf8",
"modified": "2013-06-25 10:00:14.004097",
"created": "2013-06-24 15:06:08.472355",
"mons": [
{ "rank": 0,
"name": "a",
"addr": "\/0"},
{ "rank": 1,
"name": "b",
"addr": "\/0"}]}}
What happens when you run the same command for mon.b ?
it seems the docs here:
are misleading. I also just can't extend my mon's (cuttlefish 0.61.4)
currently, which is bad. ceph-deploy complains about missing a fsid...
5. ceph-mon -i 1 --public-addr {ip:port}
should work...
Oh, I think I see — mon 1 is starting up and not seeing itself in the
monmap so it then shuts down. You'll need to convince it to turn on
and contact mon.0; I don't remember exactly how to do that (Joao?) but
I think you should be able to find what you need at
Software Engineer #42 @ http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com
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Joao Eduardo Luis
Software Engineer | http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com
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