Re: Kernel panic on rbd map when cluster is out of monitor quorum

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On Fri, 17 May 2013, Joe Ryner wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have had an issue recently while working on my ceph clusters.  The following issue seems to be true on bobtail and cuttlefish.  I have two production clusters in two different data centers and a test cluster.  We are using ceph to run virtual machines.  I use rbd as block devices for sanlock.
> I am running Fedora 18.
> I have been moving monitors around and in the process I got the cluster 
> out of quorum, so ceph stopped responding.  During this time I decided 
> to reboot a ceph node that performs an rbd map during startup.  The 
> system boots ok but the service script that is performing the rbd map 
> doesn't finish and eventually the system will OOPS and then finally 
> panic.  I was able to disable the rbd map during boot and finally got 
> the cluster back in quorum and everything settled down nicely.

What kernel version?  Are you using cephx authentication?  If you could 
open a bug at that would be most helpful!

> Question, has anyone seen this behavior of crashing/panic?  I have seen this happen on both of my production clusters.
> Secondly, the ceph command hangs when the cluster is out of quorum, is there a timeout available?

Not currently.  You can do this yourself with 'timeout 120 ...' with any 
recent coreutils.

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