Anyone on this one ?
On 03/31/2013 04:37 PM, Matthieu Patou wrote:
I was doing some testing with iozone and found that performance of an
exported rdb volume where 1/3 of the performance of the hard drives.
I was expecting to have a performance penalty but not so important.
I suspect something is not correct in the configuration but I can't
what exactly.
My test setup consists of 2 OSD with one drive each they have 2
network (public/private).
On osd0 and osd1 I'm using a BCM5751 gigabit card for the public
network and a intel 82541PI for the private.
On the client I'm using a RTL8111/8168B for the public network.
Osd0 & Osd1 are connect directly with a cable for the private network
and they are connected through one switch for the public network.
Where could the bottleneck be located ?
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