We're planning the move of our production Ceph cluster to Luminous (from
Jewel), and thinking about migrating the main S3/radosgw pool to
It's quite large (1.4PB / 440 M objects).
I've seen
http://cephnotes.ksperis.com/blog/2015/04/15/ceph-pool-migration/ which
seems to be the standard set of options:
1) rados cppool
This would require a lot of downtime (since it just copies objects
one-by-one without checking if the object is already in the target
pool), and I don't know if the warning means this would break things anyway:
WARNING: pool copy does not preserve user_version, which some apps may
rely on.
2) making a new pool as a cache tier
This looks pretty risky to me (and easy to get wrong), and I imagine the
cache-flush-evict-all stage is very IO intensive. Has anyone tried it
with a large pool?
3) Rados export/import
I think this has the same problem as 1) above - having to do it as a big
bang, and needing a lot of temporary storage
4) make a new pool, make it the default for rgw [not in above link]
This would, I think, mean that new uploads would go into the new pool,
and would be non-disruptive. But, AFAICS, there is no way to:
i) look at what % of a users' buckets/objects are in which pool
ii) migrate objects from old to new pool
The second is the kicker, really - it'd be very useful to be able to
move objects without having to download, remove, re-upload, but I don't
think there's an API to do this? Presumably you could hack something up
based on the internals of the radosgw itself, but that seems ... brave?
Surely we're not the only people to have wanted to do this; what have
others done?
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