radosgw-admin sync error list [ { "shard_id": 0, "entries": [ { "id": "1_1614333890.956965_8080774.1", "section": "data", "name": "user21-bucket23:multi_master-anna.1827103.323:54", "timestamp": "2021-02-26 10:04:50.956965Z", "info": { "source_zone": "multi_master-anna", "error_code": 125, "message": "failed to sync bucket instance: (125) Operation canceled" } } ] } ] I think this command should be used to determine its parameters, and keep increasing, as long as -ECANCLE(125) does not appear, it is appropriate. WeiGuo Ren <rwg1335252904@xxxxxxxxx> 于2021年3月18日周四 下午7:37写道: > > I have an osd ceph cluster, rgw instance often appears to be renewed > and not locked > > WeiGuo Ren <rwg1335252904@xxxxxxxxx> 于2021年3月18日周四 下午7:35写道: > > > > In an rgw multi-site production environment, how many rgw instances > > will be started in a single zone? According to my test, multiple rgw > > instances will compete for the datalog leaselock, and it is very > > likely that the leaselock will not be renewed. Is the default > > rgw_sync_lease_period=120s a bit small?