Hi cephers, I have read the dmclock paper and now I am reviewing the dmclock code. When a request is popped by a proportion tag ., then the reservation tag need to reduceed. In my opinion, we only need to reduce by 1/r in mclock or dmclock. (r is the reservation inc ) In the ceph dmclock code, I find that reduced num is max (1, tag.rho), I think it's wrong . Code is showed as follows: // data_mtx should be held when called void reduce_reservation_tags(ImmediateTagCalc imm, ClientRec& client, const RequestTag& tag) { double res_offset = client.info->reservation_inv * std::max(uint32_t(1), tag.rho); for (auto& r : client.requests) { r.tag.reservation -= res_offset; } } If i have missed some information, please tell me. thanks .