Hi everyone, We're pleased to announce that the next Cephalocon will be March 3-5 in Seoul, South Korea! https://ceph.com/cephalocon/seoul-2020/ The CFP for the conference is now open: https://linuxfoundation.smapply.io/prog/cephalocon_2020 Main conference: March 4-5 Developer summit: March 3 Mark your calendars, and get your talk proposals in! The CFP will close in early December in order to get a final schedule published in early January. In addition to the two day conference, we will also have a developer summit on March 3 to take advantage of having so many developers in the same place at the same time. The developer sessions will include video conferencing so that remote developers will also be able to participate. A sponsorship prospectus will be available Real Soon Now. We hope you can join us!