Hi, Earlier today (at about 7am EST) the infrastructure provider restarted a few of our core instances which took about half an hour to get into an operational state again. Even though these instances are load balanced and have replication, they service (shaman.ceph.com) couldn't survive having all of its instances restarted. After they recovered and started serving content again, the databases that keep all the build information where in read-only mode. The primary database was not operational and the hard-restart had caused it not to come back up properly. This situation went unnoticed because the primary database is the one in charge of writes, so builds couldn't see failures until very late in the process when trying to update the build dashboard (a write operation). The databases and the service is fully operational now, but this means that most of the builds today (up until 2:30pm EST) didn't complete. In order to re-trigger them one has to produce new commits (if pushing to ceph-ci.git) or simply: `git commit --amend --reset-author` and then re-push. To further prevent this from going unnoticed, a health check will be added to ensure this problem is caught early. Sorry for the issues. -Alfredo