Thanks for you reply.
Erwan, I realize that's a lot of brain dump there. I think this is a
really important topic as Ceph is integrated into more and more places
that need machine readable output!
I totally agree that an important topic to handle. Ceph is expecting 3rd
party tools like smartmontools to have a nice json output, we should
apply this to ourselves too ;)
- I was wondering if you generated this schema manually or if you
created a tool to make it ?
- I also noticed that some structures I see on the cli side are feed on
the fly and depending on the state of the cluster, so items pop in/out.
Does your approach cover that ? Are we sure we don't forgot any
field/value ?
- There is already some implementation which are almost impossible to
map to a data structure.
Services struct {
RbdMirror struct {
Daemons struct {
Num4467 struct {
That Num4467 structure is random while it should be an array of a known
There is also examples where the key is a hostname.
Rgw struct {
Daemons struct {
Summary string `json:"summary"`
CephRgw0 struct {
Some tooling like ceph-nano or ceph-ansible workaround this, but I'm
also facing this.
It would be nice if we can avoid this by having only pre-defined data
structures. I'm pretty sure if your PR goes on this item you will face a
show stopper with it as we can't validate this as a schema.
Changing this will break the output and any users. But I do think we'll
have to make it at some point for the sanity of the output.