I've added a bunch of comments. There are quite a few commits in there that relate the the config infrastructure changes in luminous->mimic (where get_config and get_store were separated out, MgrModule.OPTIONS was introduced, etc) -- I haven't individually commented on all of them, but they will probably all need to be excluded as we're not backporting the new-style configuration. However, if it makes backporting the dashboard easier, you could always add some stubs to MgrModule that implement e.g. get_store/set_store, and just have them call through to get_config/set_config John On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 2:07 PM Ernesto Puerta <epuertat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > [skipping ceph-users as from now this becomes mostly devel focused] > > I've come up with a list of 424 commits for Luminous' dashboard_v2 to > keep pace with master. > > Additionally I gathered another ~500 commits that might be indirectly > related to/required for dashboard to properly work. This extended list > was automatically generated by a mix of the following 3 criteria: > - committer has at least once committed to dashboard_v2. > - commit makes changes to files that were at least once modified by a > dashboard_v2 commit (e.g.: src/pybind/mgr/dashboard, vstart.sh, > ceph.spec.in, etc). > - commit message contains certain keywords specific/cross-linked to > dashboard_v2 commits (npm, nodeenv, front-?end, angular, > librgw_admin_user, etc). > > After manually filtering the above list, 39 commits are deemed as > direct dependencies to dashboard_v2, while 55 are pending of further > analysis (labelled with a question mark). > > I'd really appreciate if the following authors could have a look the > spreadsheet shared below and provide feedback on whether their changes > might be needed for dashboard_v2, and if they can be backported to > Luminous: > - Nathan Cutler > - Kefu Chai > - Dan Mick > - John Spray > - Willem Jan Withagen > - Tatjana Dehler > - Yunchuan Wen > - Wido den Hollander > - Vasu Kulkarni > - Jason Dillaman > > Anyone else is invited to check and provide comments as well. > > Spreadsheet URL: > https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_z-5fZZygdjC8FOnwEAVnI7WMdcu3kIorWKCPCEJi8g/edit?usp=sharing > (if you have any issues accessing that or questions, please let me > know privately). > > Kind Regards, > Ernesto