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"2018-06-12 00:10:55.825562", "last_deep_scrub": "427203'293886", "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2018-06-07 01:46:27.403211", "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2018-06-12 00:10:55.825562", "log_size": 1500, "ondisk_log_size": 1500, "stats_invalid": false, "dirty_stats_invalid": false, "omap_stats_invalid": false, "hitset_stats_invalid": false, "hitset_bytes_stats_invalid": false, "pin_stats_invalid": false, "snaptrimq_len": 0, "stat_sum": { "num_bytes": 0, "num_objects": 0, "num_object_clones": 0, "num_object_copies": 0, "num_objects_missing_on_primary": 0, "num_objects_missing": 0, "num_objects_degraded": 0, "num_objects_misplaced": 0, "num_objects_unfound": 0, "num_objects_dirty": 0, "num_whiteouts": 0, "num_read": 0, "num_read_kb": 0, "num_write": 0, "num_write_kb": 0, "num_scrub_errors": 0, "num_shallow_scrub_errors": 0, "num_deep_scrub_errors": 0, "num_objects_recovered": 0, "num_bytes_recovered": 0, "num_keys_recovered": 0, "num_objects_omap": 0, "num_objects_hit_set_archive": 0, 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0, "num_evict_kb": 0, "num_promote": 0, "num_flush_mode_high": 0, "num_flush_mode_low": 0, "num_evict_mode_some": 0, "num_evict_mode_full": 0, "num_objects_pinned": 0, "num_legacy_snapsets": 0 }, "up": [ 52, 23, 20 ], "acting": [ 52, 23, 20 ], "blocked_by": [], "up_primary": 52, "acting_primary": 52 }, "empty": 0, "dne": 0, "incomplete": 1, "last_epoch_started": 447587, "hit_set_history": { "current_last_update": "0'0", "history": [] } } ], "recovery_state": [ { "name": "Started/Primary/Peering/Incomplete", "enter_time": "2018-06-14 11:51:52.770682", "comment": "not enough complete instances of this PG" }, { "name": "Started/Primary/Peering", "enter_time": "2018-06-14 11:51:52.745649", "past_intervals": [ { "first": "438831", "last": "465900", "all_participants": [ { "osd": 20 }, { "osd": 23 }, { "osd": 30 }, { "osd": 52 }, { "osd": 65 }, { "osd": 100 }, { "osd": 101 }, { "osd": 107 } ], "intervals": [ { "first": "447972", "last": "447978", "acting": "100,101" }, { "first": "455481", "last": "455502", "acting": "52,107" }, { "first": "455748", "last": "455905", "acting": "23,107" }, { "first": "462150", "last": "462151", "acting": "20" }, { "first": "465118", "last": "465119", "acting": "23,52" }, { "first": "465815", "last": "465816", "acting": "20,23,52" } ] } ], "probing_osds": [ "20", "23", "30", "52" ], "down_osds_we_would_probe": [ 65, 100, 101, 107 ], "peering_blocked_by": [], "peering_blocked_by_detail": [ { "detail": "peering_blocked_by_history_les_bound" } ] }, { "name": "Started", "enter_time": "2018-06-14 11:51:52.745611" } ], "agent_state": {} } On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sage Weil <sage@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On Thu, 14 Jun 2018, Wyllys Ingersoll wrote: >> Yes, I did have the ignore_history_les_option set for 2 of the running >> osds, but I disabled and restarted the affected osds and this is where >> it ends up: >> >> "probing_osds": [ >> "20", >> "23", >> "30", >> "52" >> ], >> "down_osds_we_would_probe": [ >> 65, >> 100, >> 101, >> 107 >> ], >> "peering_blocked_by": [], >> "peering_blocked_by_detail": [ >> { >> "detail": "peering_blocked_by_history_les_bound" >> } >> ] >> >> >> The 'down_osds_we_would_probe' are all non-existent. This is where I >> started the day, still cant get past it. And this is seen on all of >> the incomplete pgs, this is just 1 example. > > Post the full query from this state? > > sage -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html