On 02/14/2018 11:44 AM, Lenz Grimmer wrote:
Are there any objections/concerns about aiming at replacing the original
dashboard with the initial v2 submission?
I do think it makes sense to only have one dashboard, and to have v2
replacing the current dashboard.
I do not think it needs to happen on the PR introducing `dashboard v2`
to the ceph project though, especially because the act of "replacing"
the dashboard (if it actually means a full removal) will entail a lot of
deleted lines of code.
Instead, I'd suggest the initial PR to perform a
`git mv dashboard dashboard_legacy`
or something similar, and introduce dashboard_v2 as the new dashboard.
Once that's merged, then we can have a PR removing the current dashboard
or whatever people are comfortable doing.
However, one thing comes to mind:
Given v2 is currently using the `dashboard_v2` namespace, which I'm
guessing also means its own config-key namespace --different from
`dashboard`--, we need to ensure that once v2 is renamed to `dashboard`
it still plays nice with any and all things that have been set through
config-key for the previous dashboard.
Maybe this is not a problem, but if the dashboard v2 code is currently
using config-key to set options (I think at least the admin user/pass
is, right?), I'd ensure that transitioning from the current dashboard to
the new is as seamless as possible.
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