Re: mon config commands

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On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 4:21 PM, Sage Weil <sage@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Here's the current state of the mon config commands for mimic.  These are
> pretty close to being "done" so please review carefully!
> config assimilate-conf                  Assimilate options from a conf, and
>                                          return a new, minimal conf file

I think this would still be fine as `config assimilate`. The `-conf`
reads a bit redundant, and it wouldn't be terribly obscure to leave it
as plain `assimilate`

> config dump                             Show all configuration option(s)
> config get <who> {<key>}                Show configuration option(s) for an
>                                          entity

Is this output from help? Because "who" is not used anywhere in
configuration, and generally, it is used as "section", "daemon",
"type", or "process".

Using any of the ones we currently describe would be good, "who" is too vague.

> config help <key>                       Describe a configuration option
> config rm <who> <name>                  Clear a configuration option for one or
>                                          more entities
> config set <who> <name> <value>         Cet a configuration option for one or
>                                          more entities
> config show <who> {<key>}               Show running configuration
> config show-with-defaults <who>         Show running configuration (including
>                                          compiled-in defaults)
> ---
> First, let's dump everything:
> $ bin/ceph config dump
> WHO    MASK LEVEL     OPTION                         VALUE  RO
> global      advanced  mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd        3
> global      advanced  osd_crush_chooseleaf_type      0
> global      advanced  osd_pool_default_min_size      1
> global      advanced  osd_pool_default_size          1
> mds         advanced  debug_mds                      20/20
> mds         advanced  debug_mgrc                     20/20
> mds         advanced  debug_monc                     20/20
> mds         advanced  debug_ms                       1/1
> mds         developer mds_debug_auth_pins            true
> mds         developer mds_debug_frag                 true
> mds         developer mds_debug_scatterstat          true
> mds         developer mds_debug_subtrees             true
> mds         developer mds_verify_scatter             true
> mgr         advanced  debug_mgr                      20/20
> mgr         advanced  debug_mon                      20/20
> mgr         advanced  debug_monc                     20/20
> mgr         advanced  debug_ms                       1/1
> mon         unknown   mon_allow_pool_deletes         true   *
> mon         advanced  mon_data_avail_crit            1
> mon         advanced  mon_data_avail_warn            2
> ...
> Note the one RO item here is also 'unknown'.. that's because it's not a
> valid config option (there's no 's').. it was injected directly into
> config-key.

Is there a JSON flag for the above output? How does that look?

The plain output here could be really long, and although one can
probably 'grep' at will, would it be overkill to filter or sort
this so that we can easily pick 'unknown' for example?

For plain (not JSON) the output could be structured in at least two
levels that would make it easier on an admin:

        <option> <value> <permissions>
        <option> <value> <permissions>

That way, it is easier to spot unknown items, or if that is not
desirable, then at least it would be easier to go through them

> For a single daemon,
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:47 PM $ bin/ceph config get mon.a
> WHO    MASK LEVEL    OPTION                         VALUE RO
> mon         unknown  mon_allow_pool_deletes         true  *
> mon         advanced mon_data_avail_crit            1
> mon         advanced mon_data_avail_warn            2
> mon         advanced mon_osd_reporter_subtree_level osd
> global      advanced mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd        3
> global      advanced osd_crush_chooseleaf_type      0
> global      advanced osd_pool_default_min_size      1
> global      advanced osd_pool_default_size          1
> If I try to set something that can't be changed at runtime (say, ms_type),
> you get:
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:47 PM $ bin/ceph config set mon.a ms_type
> simple
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:48 PM $ bin/ceph config get mon.a
> WHO    MASK LEVEL    OPTION                         VALUE  RO
> mon         unknown  mon_allow_pool_deletes         true   *
> mon         advanced mon_data_avail_crit            1
> mon         advanced mon_data_avail_warn            2
> mon         advanced mon_osd_reporter_subtree_level osd
> global      advanced mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd        3
> mon.a       advanced ms_type                        simple *
> global      advanced osd_crush_chooseleaf_type      0
> global      advanced osd_pool_default_min_size      1
> global      advanced osd_pool_default_size          1
> You can then see this by checking the *running* config (this is what the
> daemon has reported as it's actually config to the manager):
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:48 PM $ bin/ceph config show mon.a
> NAME                                                       VALUE                                              SOURCE  OVERRIDES IGNORES
> admin_socket                                               /tmp/ceph-asok.GBZTV0/$name.asok                   file
> chdir                                                                                                         file
> debug_auth                                                 20/20                                              file
> debug_mgrc                                                 20/20                                              file
> debug_mon                                                  20/20                                              file
> debug_ms                                                   1/1                                                file
> debug_paxos                                                20/20                                              file
> enable_experimental_unrecoverable_data_corrupting_features *                                                  file
> erasure_code_dir                                           /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/lib                     file
> filestore_fd_cache_size                                    32                                                 file
> heartbeat_file                                             /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/out/$name.heartbeat     file
> leveldb_block_size                                         65536                                              default
> leveldb_cache_size                                         536870912                                          default
> leveldb_compression                                        0                                                  default
> leveldb_log                                                                                                   default
> leveldb_write_buffer_size                                  33554432                                           default
> lockdep                                                    1                                                  file
> log_file                                                   /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/out/$name.log           file
> mgr_initial_modules                                        restful status dashboard balancer                  file
> mon_cluster_log_file                                       /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/out/cluster.mon.$id.log file
> mon_data                                                   /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/dev/mon.a               file
> mon_data_avail_crit                                        1                                                  mon
> mon_data_avail_warn                                        2                                                  mon
> mon_osd_backfillfull_ratio                                 0.99                                               file
> mon_osd_full_ratio                                         0.99                                               file
> mon_osd_nearfull_ratio                                     0.99                                               file
> mon_osd_reporter_subtree_level                             osd                                                mon
> mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd                                    3                                                  mon
> ms_type                                                    async+posix                                        default           mon
> osd_crush_chooseleaf_type                                  0                                                  mon
> osd_failsafe_full_ratio                                    0.99                                               file
> osd_pool_default_min_size                                  1                                                  mon
> osd_pool_default_size                                      1                                                  mon
> pid_file                                                   /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/out/           cmdline file
> plugin_dir                                                 /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/lib                     file
> run_dir                                                    /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/out                     file
> (sorry for the wide table)
> A few things to note: SOURCE can be any of default, file, mon, env,
> cmdline, or override.  You'll notice that ms_type SOURCE is 'default' and
> IGNORES is 'mon', because the daemon is ignoring the mon value--this
> option can only be set during startup.

This is really useful

> Similarly, if I try to override something else manually,
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:50 PM $ bin/ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_data_avail_warn 3
> {
>     "success": ""
> }

Why is this response JSON? If the response was a success I would
expect a "success": true, but if this is coming directly from the
monitor I guess
we don't have a choice to use it as is?

> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:50 PM $ bin/ceph config show mon.a
> NAME                                                       VALUE                                              SOURCE   OVERRIDES IGNORES
> ...
> mon_data_avail_warn                                        3                                                  override mon
> ...
> we see that the currently value is an override, and OVERRIDES the mon
> value.  As far as I can tel this is a pretty complete view of what is
> going on.  The JSON form has a bit more info, like what the mon value that
> was override was:
> ...
>     {
>         "name": "mon_data_avail_warn",
>         "value": "3",
>         "source": "override",
>         "overrides": [
>             {
>                 "source": "mon",
>                 "value": "2"
>             }
>         ]
>     },
> ...
> Anyway, moving on...
> You can also 'get' and 'show' specific values, making this useful from a
> script:
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:52 PM $ bin/ceph config get mon.a ms_type
> simple
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:52 PM $ bin/ceph config show mon.a ms_type
> async+posix
> This will return valid results for defaults, too:
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:52 PM $ bin/ceph config show mon.a osd_data
> /var/lib/ceph/osd/$cluster-$id
> ...although the result has not has substitutions processed yet (should
> it?).
> You can get help:
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:54 PM $ bin/ceph config help
> bluestore_cache_size
> bluestore_cache_size - Cache size (in bytes) for BlueStore
>   (uint64_t, advanced)
>   Default: 0
>   Can update at runtime: true
> This includes data and metadata cached by BlueStore as well as memory devoted to rocksdb's cache(s).
> I mostly hate how the above looks, BTW--suggestions welcome!  In JSON
> form,
> gnit:build (wip-config) 02:54 PM $ bin/ceph config help bluestore_cache_size -f json-pretty
> {
>     "name": "bluestore_cache_size",
>     "type": "uint64_t",
>     "level": "advanced",
>     "desc": "Cache size (in bytes) for BlueStore",
>     "long_desc": "This includes data and metadata cached by BlueStore as
> well as memory devoted to rocksdb's cache(s).",
>     "default": 0,
>     "daemon_default": "",
>     "tags": [],
>     "services": [],
>     "see_also": [],
>     "min": "",
>     "max": "",
>     "can_update_at_runtime": true
> }
> The 'config set' has basic validation:
> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:07 PM $ bin/ceph config set osd.0 foo bar
> Error EINVAL: unrecognized config option 'foo'
> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:07 PM $ bin/ceph config set osd.0 osd_tier_default_cache_mode bar
> Error EINVAL: error parsing value: 'bar' is not one of the permitted values: none, writeback, forward, readonly, readforward, readproxy, proxy

This type of validation is great. It is not only saying it is not
permitted, but it is giving you a list of what is actually OK. Would
love to see this propagate everywhere

> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:08 PM $ bin/ceph config set osd.0
> osd_tier_default_cache_mode writeback
> and you can clear an option:
> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:08 PM $ bin/ceph config get mon.a
> WHO    MASK LEVEL    OPTION                         VALUE  RO
> mon         unknown  mon_allow_pool_deletes         true   *
> mon         advanced mon_data_avail_crit            1
> mon         advanced mon_data_avail_warn            2
> mon         advanced mon_osd_reporter_subtree_level osd
> global      advanced mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd        3
> mon.a       advanced ms_type                        simple *
> global      advanced osd_crush_chooseleaf_type      0
> global      advanced osd_pool_default_min_size      1
> global      advanced osd_pool_default_size          1
> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:08 PM $ bin/ceph config rm mon.a ms_type
> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:09 PM $ bin/ceph config get mon.a
> WHO    MASK LEVEL    OPTION                         VALUE RO
> mon         unknown  mon_allow_pool_deletes         true  *
> mon         advanced mon_data_avail_crit            1
> mon         advanced mon_data_avail_warn            2
> mon         advanced mon_osd_reporter_subtree_level osd
> global      advanced mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd        3
> global      advanced osd_crush_chooseleaf_type      0
> global      advanced osd_pool_default_min_size      1
> global      advanced osd_pool_default_size          1
> The last one is 'assimilate-conf' and is meant to help transition from
> a ceph.conf world to a mon config world.  This is a vstart cluster, so all
> of the paths are all wonky and there's lots of specialness that you
> wouldn't see in the real world.  It still imports most stuff:
> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:09 PM $ wc -l ceph.conf
> 115 ceph.conf
> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:09 PM $ bin/ceph config assimilate-conf -i ceph.conf -o new.conf
> 2018-01-11 15:09:55.390 7f5a3cff9700 -1 set_mon_vals failed to set admin_socket = /tmp/ceph-asok.GBZTV0/$name.$pid.asok: Configuration option 'admin_socket' may not be modified at runtime
> (That warning appears because the CLI process observed the config change
> as it happened, and isn't able to update the admin_socket setting at
> runtime.)
> What's left is stuff flagged NO_MON_CONFIG or unrecognized as a valid
> option:
> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:09 PM $ wc -l new.conf
> 46 new.conf
> gnit:build (wip-config) 03:10 PM $ cat new.conf
> [client]
>         keyring = /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/keyring
> []
>         num_mds = 0
>         num_mgr = 1
>         num_mon = 1
>         num_osd = 1
>         num_rgw = 0
> [global]
>         fsid = 9dbd93f7-635a-4734-bc29-448a2305af7f
>         lockdep = true
>         mon_osd_backfillfull_ratio = .99
>         mon_osd_full_ratio = .99
>         mon_osd_nearfull_ratio = .99
> [mds]
>         chdir =
>         mds_data = /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/dev/mds.$id
> [mgr]
>         chdir =
>         mgr_data = /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/dev/mgr.$id
> [mgr.x]
>         host = gnit
> [mon]
>         chdir =
>         mgr_initial_modules = restful status dashboard balancer
> [mon.a]
>         host = gnit
>         mon_addr =
>         mon_data = /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/dev/mon.a
> [osd]
>         chdir =
>         osd_class_tmp = out
>         osd_data = /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/dev/osd$id
>         osd_journal = /home/sage/src/ceph6/build/dev/osd$id/journal
> [osd.0]
>         host = gnit
> This command isn't as smart as it maybe could be.  It doesn't try to do
> anything clever for ceph.conf's with conflicting values from different
> hosts... so if host A has debug_ms=1 and host B has debug_ms=2, the mon
> will keep whichever was imported last.  In general, though, if the config
> options are restricted to [] per-daemon sections then things will
> work just fine.
> We *could* have tools try to look at the result in the mon and simplify or
> rearrange, by (for example) moving osd-specific options under [osd] so
> that they don't pollute other daemons' configs.  I leave this to future
> work...
> Anyway, please let me know if there is anything ugly or unintuitive or
> wrong here.  If this looks sane I'll finally write up the docs!
> sage
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