Hi all,
Not sure if I should open a new thread, but this is the same cluster,
so this should provide a little background.
Now the cluster is up and recovering, but we are hitting a bug that is
crashing the OSD
0> 2017-08-29 10:00:51.699557 7fae66139700 -1
In function 'int ECUtil::decode(const ECUtil::stripe_info_t&,
ceph::ErasureCodeInterfaceRef&, std::map<int, ceph::buffer::list>&,
std::map<int, ceph::buffer::list*>&)' thread 7fae66139700 time
2017-08-29 10:00:51.688625
59: FAILED assert(i->second.length() == total_data_size)
Probably http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/14009
Some shards are problematic, smaller sizes (definitely a problem) or
last part of them is all zeros (not sure if this is padding or
Now we have set noup, marked OSDs with corrupt chunks down, and let
the recovery proceed, but this is happening in lots of PGs and is very
Is there anything we can do to fix this faster, we tried removing the
corrupted chunk? and got this crash (I grep the thread in which Abort
-77> 2017-08-28 15:11:40.030178 7f90cd519700 0 osd.377 pg_epoch:
1102631 pg[143.1b0s0( v 1098703'309813 (960110'306653,1098703'309813]
local-lis/les=1102586/1102609 n=63499 ec=470378/470378 lis/c
1102586/960364 les/c/f 1102609/960364/1061015 1102545/1102586/1102586)
r=0 lpr=1102586 pi=[960339,1102586)/44 rops=1
bft=531(8),635(3),642(4),648(11) crt=1098703'309813 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0
active+remapped+backfilling] failed_push
from shard 548(8), reps on unfound? 0
-2> 2017-08-28 15:11:40.130722 7f90cd519700 -1 osd.377 pg_epoch:
1102631 pg[143.1b0s0( v 1098703'309813 (960110'306653,1098703'309813]
local-lis/les=1102586/1102609 n=63499 ec=470378/470378 lis/c
1102586/960364 les/c/f 1102609/960364/1061015 1102545/1102586/1102586)
r=0 lpr=1102586 pi=[960339,1102586)/44
bft=531(8),635(3),642(4),648(11) crt=1098703'309813 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0
active+remapped+backfilling] recover_replicas: object
last_backfill 143:0d9ce1c5:::default.63296332.1__shadow_26882237.2~mGGm_A45xKldAdADFC13qizbUiC0Yrw.1_158:head
-1> 2017-08-28 15:11:40.130802 7f90cd519700 -1 osd.377 pg_epoch:
1102631 pg[143.1b0s0( v 1098703'309813 (960110'306653,1098703'309813]
local-lis/les=1102586/1102609 n=63499 ec=470378/470378 lis/c
1102586/960364 les/c/f 1102609/960364/1061015 1102545/1102586/1102586)
r=0 lpr=1102586 pi=[960339,1102586)/44
bft=531(8),635(3),642(4),648(11) crt=1098703'309813 lcod 0'0 mlcod 0'0
active+remapped+backfilling] recover_replicas: object added to missing
set for backfill, but is not in recovering, error!
0> 2017-08-28 15:11:40.134768 7f90cd519700 -1 *** Caught signal
(Aborted) **
in thread 7f90cd519700 thread_name:tp_osd_tp
What we can do to fix this?
Will enabling fast_read on the pool benefit us or it is client only?
Any ideas?