It is possible I caused this - suspect I left a rogue 'ceph-deploy mgr
create...' in the script that set up the Jewel install. Will recheck and
report back.
On 12/08/17 12:22, Mark Kirkwood wrote:
Just had a go at this - 12.1.3 from a freshly deployed Jewel (10.2.9)
on Ubuntu 16.04, following the notes in
It all worked nicely *except* for the the mgr deploy (arrrg - again)!
This time it is a new wrinkle, it appears that the bootstrap-mgr auth
key does not match the on disk keyring:
markir@ceph0:~$ sudo cat /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mgr/ceph.keyring
key = AQBWP45ZZVsOKRAAQoLg48bT6niU/dI8BmGqJQ==
markir@ceph0:~$ sudo ceph auth get client.bootstrap-mgr
exported keyring for client.bootstrap-mgr
key = AQC7RY5ZsEHRKRAAOhUNB2rc8r/Xdg7xXIAteA==
caps mon = "allow profile bootstrap-mgr"
Editing the on disk key to make it match the one 'ceph auth get' shows
solves the problem, so pretty simple to work around - if you think to
check that file and auth get for differences!
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