Just had a go at this - 12.1.1 from a freshly deployed Jewel (10.2.9) on
Ubuntu 16.04, following
So it all worked ok *except* for the the mgr deploy, this hang at the
key/caps modification stage (see attached). Now I managed to work around it:
- switch cephx to none in ceph.conf
- restart mon
- redeploy mgr
- edit client.admin and add missing: caps mgr = "allow *"
- switch to cephx again, restart mon, mgr
- ...and continue, but it makes things a whole lot more messy than
needed, would be good for this not to trip up upgraders on important
systems (I'm just on a play setup, so no stress here)!
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,773][ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /home/markir/.cephdeploy.conf
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,773][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] Invoked (1.5.38): /usr/local/bin/ceph-deploy mgr create ceph1
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,773][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph-deploy options:
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,773][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] username : None
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,773][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] verbose : False
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] mgr : [('ceph1', 'ceph1')]
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] overwrite_conf : False
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] subcommand : create
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] quiet : False
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cd_conf : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x7fd9ea1fbab8>
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] cluster : ceph
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] func : <function mgr at 0x7fd9ea6cb0c8>
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] ceph_conf : None
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.cli][INFO ] default_release : False
[2017-07-18 20:43:09,774][ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] Deploying mgr, cluster ceph hosts ceph1:ceph1
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,230][ceph1][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudo
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,681][ceph1][DEBUG ] connected to host: ceph1
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,681][ceph1][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,693][ceph1][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,696][ceph_deploy.mgr][INFO ] Distro info: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,696][ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] remote host will use systemd
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,696][ceph_deploy.mgr][DEBUG ] deploying mgr bootstrap to ceph1
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,697][ceph1][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,699][ceph1][DEBUG ] create path if it doesn't exist
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,700][ceph1][INFO ] Running command: sudo ceph --cluster ceph --name client.bootstrap-mgr --keyring /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mgr/ceph.keyring auth get-or-create mgr.ceph1 mon allow profile mgr osd allow * mds allow * -o /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-ceph1/keyring
[2017-07-18 20:43:10,967][ceph1][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph-mgr@ceph1
[2017-07-18 20:43:11,033][ceph1][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl start ceph-mgr@ceph1
[2017-07-18 20:43:11,068][ceph1][INFO ] Running command: sudo systemctl enable ceph.target