Re: crush multipick anomaly

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On 03/02/2017 10:58 AM, Pedro López-Adeva wrote:
> Hi,
> I will have a look. BTW, I have not progressed that much but I have
> been thinking about it. In order to adapt the previous algorithm in
> the python notebook I need to substitute the iteration over all
> possible devices permutations to iteration over all the possible
> selections that crush would make. That is the main thing I need to
> work on.

That should be easy.

> The other thing is of course that weights change for each replica.
> That is, they cannot be really fixed in the crush map. 

Do you mean that the weights for the replicas cannot be pre-calculated and stored in the crushmap before it is used for actually object mapping ?

> So the
> algorithm inside libcrush, not only the weights in the map, need to be
> changed. The weights in the crush map should reflect then, maybe, the
> desired usage frequencies. Or maybe each replica should have their own
> crush map, but then the information about the previous selection
> should be passed to the next replica placement run so it avoids
> selecting the same one again.
> I have a question also. Is there any significant difference between
> the device selection algorithm description in the paper and its final
> implementation?

The implementation "Algorithm 1" is crush_do_rule and is different although it looks the same[1]. Since the devil is in the details, I would refer to the current code. It is a little difficult to read because it contains parts only required for backward compatibility. You can assume vary_r == 1, stable == 1, chooseleaf_descend_once == 0, local_fallback_retries == 0 and ignore all the parts that are not in that code path.

[1] crush_do_rule

> Cheers,
> Pedro.
> 2017-03-02 10:43 GMT+01:00 Loic Dachary <loic@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hi Pedro,
>> There is a new version of python-crush at which changes the layout of the crushmap and the documentation was updated accordingly at Sorry for the inconvenience.
>> Cheers
>> On 02/25/2017 10:02 AM, Loic Dachary wrote:
>>> On 02/25/2017 09:41 AM, Pedro López-Adeva wrote:
>>>> Great! Installed without problem and ran the example OK. I will
>>>> convert what I already have to use the library and continue from
>>>> there.
>>> Cool :-) is a complete reference of the crushmap structure, let me know if something is missing.
>>> Cheers
>>>> 2017-02-25 1:38 GMT+01:00 Loic Dachary <loic@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> Hi Pedro,
>>>>> On 02/22/2017 12:46 PM, Pedro López-Adeva wrote:
>>>>>> That, for validation, would be great. Until weekend I don't think I'm
>>>>>> going to have time to work on this anyway.
>>>>> An initial version of the module is ready and documented at
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> 2017-02-22 12:38 GMT+01:00 Loic Dachary <loic@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>>> On 02/22/2017 12:26 PM, Pedro López-Adeva wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I think your description of my proposed solution is quite good.
>>>>>>>> I had a first look at Sage's paper but not ceph's implementation. My
>>>>>>>> plan is to finish the paper and make an implementation in python that
>>>>>>>> mimicks more closely ceph's algorithm.
>>>>>>>> Regarding your question about data movement:
>>>>>>>> If I understood the paper correctly what is happening right now is
>>>>>>>> that when weights change on the devices some of them will become
>>>>>>>> overloaded and the current algorithm will try to correct for that but
>>>>>>>> this approach, I think, is independent of how we compute the weights
>>>>>>>> for each device. My point is that the current data movement pattern
>>>>>>>> will not be modified.
>>>>>>>> Could the data movement algorithm be improved? Maybe. I don't know.
>>>>>>>> Maybe by making the probabilities non-stationary with the new disk
>>>>>>>> getting at first very high probability and after each replica
>>>>>>>> placement decrease it until it stabilizes to it's final value. But I'm
>>>>>>>> just guessing and I really don't know if this can be made to work in a
>>>>>>>> distributed manner as is currently the case and how would this fit in
>>>>>>>> the current architecture. In any case it would be a problem as hard at
>>>>>>>> least as the current reweighting problem.
>>>>>>>> So, to summarize, my current plans:
>>>>>>>> - Have another look at the paper
>>>>>>>> - Make an implementation in python that imitates more closely the
>>>>>>>> current algorithm
>>>>>>> What about I provide you with a python module that includes the current crush implementation (wrapping the C library into a python module) so you don't have to ? I think it would be generaly useful for experimenting and worth the effort. I can have that ready this weekend.
>>>>>>>> - Make sure the new reweighting algorithm is fast and gives the desired results
>>>>>>>> I will give updates here when there are significant changes so
>>>>>>>> everyone can have a look and suggest improvements.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Pedro.
>>>>>>>> 2017-02-22 8:52 GMT+01:00 Loic Dachary <loic@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Pedro,
>>>>>>>>> On 02/16/2017 11:04 PM, Pedro López-Adeva wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have updated the algorithm to handle an arbitrary number of replicas
>>>>>>>>>> and arbitrary constraints.
>>>>>>>>>> Notebook:
>>>>>>>>>> PDF:
>>>>>>>>> I'm very impressed :-) Thanks to friends who helped with the maths parts that were unknown to me I think I now get the spirit of the solution you found. Here it is, in my own words.
>>>>>>>>> You wrote a family of functions describing the desired outcome: equally filled disks when distributing objects replicas with a constraint. It's not a formula we can use to figure out which probability to assign to each disk, there are two many unknowns. But you also proposed a function to measure, for a given set of probabilities, how far from the best probabilities they are. That's the loss function[1].
>>>>>>>>> You implemented an abstract python interface to look for the best solution, using this loss function. Trying things at random would take way too much time. Instead you use the gradient[2] of the function to figure out in which direction the values should be modified (that's where the jacobian[3] helps).
>>>>>>>>> This is part one of your document and in part two you focus on one constraints: no two replica on the same disk. And with an implementation of the abstract interface you show with a few examples that after iterating a number of times you get a set of probabilities that are close enough to the solution. Not the ideal solution but less that 0.001 away from it.
>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>>>> From the above you can hopefully see how far off my understanding is. And I have one question below.
>>>>>>>>>> (Note: GitHub's renderization of the notebook and the PDF is quite
>>>>>>>>>> deficient, I recommend downloading/cloning)
>>>>>>>>>> In the following by policy I mean the concrete set of probabilities of
>>>>>>>>>> selecting the first replica, the second replica, etc...
>>>>>>>>>> In practical terms there are several problems:
>>>>>>>>>> - It's not practical for a high number of disks or replicas.
>>>>>>>>>> Possible solution: approximate summation over all possible disk
>>>>>>>>>> selections with a Monte Carlo method.
>>>>>>>>>> the algorithm would be: we start with a candidate solution, we run a
>>>>>>>>>> simulation and based on the results
>>>>>>>>>> we update the probabilities. Repeat until we are happy with the result.
>>>>>>>>>> Other solution: cluster similar disks together.
>>>>>>>>>> - Since it's a non-linear optimization problem I'm not sure right now
>>>>>>>>>> about it's convergence properties.
>>>>>>>>>> Does it converge to a global optimum? How fast does it converge?
>>>>>>>>>> Possible solution: the algorithm always converges, but it can converge
>>>>>>>>>> to a locally optimum policy. I see
>>>>>>>>>> no escape except by carefully designing the policy. All solutions to
>>>>>>>>>> the problem are going to be non linear
>>>>>>>>>> since we must condition current probabilities on previous disk selections.
>>>>>>>>>> - Although it can handle arbitrary constraints it does so by rejecting
>>>>>>>>>> disks selections that violate at least one constraint.
>>>>>>>>>> This means that for bad policies it can spend all the time rejecting
>>>>>>>>>> invalid disks selection candidates.
>>>>>>>>>> Possible solution: the policy cannot be designed independently of the
>>>>>>>>>> constraints. I don't know what constraints
>>>>>>>>>> are typical use cases but having a look should be the first step. The
>>>>>>>>>> constraints must be an input to the policy.
>>>>>>>>>> I hope it's of some use. Quite frankly I'm not a ceph user, I just
>>>>>>>>>> found the problem an interesting puzzle.
>>>>>>>>>> Anyway I will try to have a look at the CRUSH paper this weekend.
>>>>>>>>> In Sage's paper[1] as well as in the Ceph implementation[2] minimizing data movement when a disk is added / removed is an important goal. When looking for a disk to place an object, a mixture of hashing, recursive exploration of a hierarchy describing the racks/hosts/disks and higher probabilities for bigger disks are used.
>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>> Here is an example[1] showing how data move around with the current implementation when adding one disk to a 10 disk host (all disks have the same probability of being chosen but no two copies of the same object can be on the same disk) with 100,000 objects and replica 2. The first line reads like this: 14 objects moved from disk 00 to disk 01, 17 objects moved from disk 00 to disk 02 ... 1800 objects moved from disk 00 to disk 10. The "before:" line shows how many objects were in each disk before the new one was added, the "after:" line shows the distribution after the disk was added and objects moved from the existing disks to the new disk.
>>>>>>>>>         00     01     02     03     04     05     06     07     08     09     10
>>>>>>>>> 00:      0     14     17     14     19     23     13     22     21     20   1800
>>>>>>>>> 01:     12      0     11     13     19     19     15     10     16     17   1841
>>>>>>>>> 02:     17     27      0     17     15     15     13     19     18     11   1813
>>>>>>>>> 03:     14     17     15      0     23     11     20     15     23     17   1792
>>>>>>>>> 04:     14     18     16     25      0     27     13      8     15     16   1771
>>>>>>>>> 05:     19     16     22     25     13      0      9     19     21     21   1813
>>>>>>>>> 06:     18     15     21     17     10     18      0     10     18     11   1873
>>>>>>>>> 07:     13     17     22     13     16     17     14      0     25     12   1719
>>>>>>>>> 08:     23     20     16     17     19     18     11     12      0     18   1830
>>>>>>>>> 09:     14     20     15     17     12     16     17     11     13      0   1828
>>>>>>>>> 10:      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
>>>>>>>>> before:  20164  19990  19863  19959  19977  20004  19926  20133  20041  19943      0
>>>>>>>>> after:   18345  18181  18053  18170  18200  18190  18040  18391  18227  18123  18080
>>>>>>>>> About 1% of the data movement happens between existing disks and serve no useful purpose but the rest are objects moving from existing disks to the new one which is what we need.
>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>> Would it be possible to somehow reconcile the two goals: equally filled disks (which your solution does) and minimizing data movement (which crush does) ?
>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>> 2017-02-13 15:21 GMT+01:00 Sage Weil <sweil@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 13 Feb 2017, Loic Dachary wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dan van der Ster reached out to colleagues and friends and Pedro
>>>>>>>>>>>> López-Adeva Fernández-Layos came up with a well written analysis of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> problem and a tentative solution which he described at :
>>>>>>>>>>>> Unless I'm reading the document incorrectly (very possible ;) it also
>>>>>>>>>>>> means that the probability of each disk needs to take in account the
>>>>>>>>>>>> weight of all disks. Which means that whenever a disk is added / removed
>>>>>>>>>>>> or its weight is changed, this has an impact on the probability of all
>>>>>>>>>>>> disks in the cluster and objects are likely to move everywhere. Am I
>>>>>>>>>>>> mistaken ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe (I haven't looked closely at the above yet).  But for comparison, in
>>>>>>>>>>> the normal straw2 case, adding or removing a disk also changes the
>>>>>>>>>>> probabilities for everything else (e.g., removing one out of 10 identical
>>>>>>>>>>> disks changes the probability from 1/10 to 1/9).  The key property that
>>>>>>>>>>> straw2 *is* able to handle is that as long as the relative probabilities
>>>>>>>>>>> between two unmodified disks does not change, then straw2 will avoid
>>>>>>>>>>> moving any objects between them (i.e., all data movement is to or from
>>>>>>>>>>> the disk that is reweighted).
>>>>>>>>>>> sage
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 01/26/2017 04:05 AM, Sage Weil wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a longstanding bug,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that causes low-weighted devices to get more data than they should. Loic's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recent activity resurrected discussion on the original PR
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but since it's closed and almost nobody will see it I'm moving the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The main news is that I have a simple adjustment for the weights that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> works (almost perfectly) for the 2nd round of placements.  The solution is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pretty simple, although as with most probabilities it tends to make my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> brain hurt.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The idea is that, on the second round, the original weight for the small
>>>>>>>>>>>>> OSD (call it P(pick small)) isn't what we should use.  Instead, we want
>>>>>>>>>>>>> P(pick small | first pick not small).  Since P(a|b) (the probability of a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> given b) is P(a && b) / P(b),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  P(pick small | first pick not small)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  = P(pick small && first pick not small) / P(first pick not small)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The last term is easy to calculate,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  P(first pick not small) = (total_weight - small_weight) / total_weight
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the && term is the distribution we're trying to produce.  For exmaple,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if small has 1/10 the weight, then we should see 1/10th of the PGs have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> their second replica be the small OSD.  So
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  P(pick small && first pick not small) = small_weight / total_weight
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Putting those together,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  P(pick small | first pick not small)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  = P(pick small && first pick not small) / P(first pick not small)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  = (small_weight / total_weight) / ((total_weight - small_weight) / total_weight)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  = small_weight / (total_weight - small_weight)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is, on the second round, we should adjust the weights by the above so
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that we get the right distribution of second choices.  It turns out it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> works to adjust *all* weights like this to get hte conditional probability
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that they weren't already chosen.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a branch that hacks this into straw2 and it appears to work
>>>>>>>>>>>>> properly for num_rep = 2.  With a test bucket of [99 99 99 99 4], and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> current code, you get
>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ bin/crushtool -c cm.txt --test --show-utilization --min-x 0 --max-x 40000000 --num-rep 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule 0 (data), x = 0..40000000, numrep = 2..2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule 0 (data) num_rep 2 result size == 2:       40000001/40000001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 0:             19765965        [9899364,9866601]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 1:             19768033        [9899444,9868589]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 2:             19769938        [9901770,9868168]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 3:             19766918        [9898851,9868067]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 6:             929148  [400572,528576]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is very close for the first replica (primary), but way off for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> second.  With my hacky change,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule 0 (data), x = 0..40000000, numrep = 2..2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule 0 (data) num_rep 2 result size == 2:       40000001/40000001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 0:             19797315        [9899364,9897951]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 1:             19799199        [9899444,9899755]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 2:             19801016        [9901770,9899246]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 3:             19797906        [9898851,9899055]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   device 6:             804566  [400572,403994]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is quite close, but still skewing slightly high (by a big less than
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1%).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Next steps:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1- generalize this for >2 replicas
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2- figure out why it skews high
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3- make this work for multi-level hierarchical descent
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sage
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>>>> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
>>>>>> --
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>>>>> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
>> --
>> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
> --
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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
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