I'm preparing the beginnings of a sketch of a possible design for a Ceph
client integration test suite.
The need for a way to test different versions/platforms/architectures of
clients against different versions/platforms/architectures of server is,
I think, obvious.
Such a client test suite could be run by teuthology within a
conventional teuthology cluster like Sepia, but it would also need to be
runnable outside of a such an environment. (For example, think of how
one would test an aarch64 client against a Ceph cluster running on
x86_64, or vice versa.)
This got me thinking about how teuthology could be leveraged to
implement a client integration test suite.
First, the test suite itself could (optionally) take a set of monitor
hostnames/IP addresses and a cephx key as an input, so it could (again,
optionally) run against a Ceph cluster running outside of teuthology.
Second, teuthology could be modified to allow it to run a test suite on
a single machine by creating VMs (libvirt) or containers for the tests,
and running the tests in series instead of in parallel.
Any thoughts on this?
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