There's code for dealing with some odd past_intervals configurations including doesn't go back far enough and doesn't go forward far enough. I *think* we can simplify this as follows: 1) Once the PG object is constructed and in memory, past_intervals extends from history.last_epoch_started to the PG's current map 2) On disk, either 1) is true or the set is empty (after an import) On boot, the OSD generates past_intervals in parallel for any PGs without them (and perhaps verifies 1) for the rest). On receipt of a Notify creating a PG, the OSD generates the past_intervals structure before instantiating the PG using the same process as on boot -- starting with the included past_intervals if present (may not extend to the current map, and so may need to be extended). This allows us to cut out some of the other cases from PG and clarify the in-memory state. -Sam -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at