Hi Casey: My OS is CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core), libcurl version is 7.29.0-25. (with HAVE_CURL_MULTI_WAIT is TRUE). ----------------------- Hi Casey: We are testing multisite on v10.2.2, and found that the meta sync thread blocked when shards reading remote mdlog response(write method in RGWHTTPManager::signal_thread()), and the RGWHTTPManager::ReqsThread also blocked on poll.Are there some kown bugs be fixed already? Thank you! [RGWCloneMetaLogCoroutine] (gdb) frame #0 0x00007f6d66abd1cd in write () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (gdb) info frame Stack level 0, frame at 0x7f6c74fe6bb0: rip = 0x7f6d66abd1cd in write; saved rip 0x7f6d67457b20 called by frame at 0x7f6c74fe6d10 Arglist at 0x7f6c74fe6b98, args: Locals at 0x7f6c74fe6b98, Previous frame's sp is 0x7f6c74fe6bb0 Saved registers: rip at 0x7f6c74fe6ba8 (gdb) help frame Select and print a stack frame. With no argument, print the selected stack frame. (See also "info frame"). An argument specifies the frame to select. It can be a stack frame number or the address of the frame. With argument, nothing is printed if input is coming from a command file or a user-defined command. (gdb) frame 0x7f6c74fe6d10 #1 0x00007f6d67457b20 in RGWHTTPManager::signal_thread() () from /lib64/librgw.so.2 [RGWHTTPManager::ReqsThread] (gdb) thread 153 [Switching to thread 153 (Thread 0x7f6c757ea700 (LWP 10691))] #0 0x00007f6d660b769d in poll () from /lib64/libc.so.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本邮件及其附件含有杭州华三通信技术有限公司的保密信息,仅限于发送给上面地址中列出 的个人或群组。禁止任何其他人以任何形式使用(包括但不限于全部或部分地泄露、复制、 或散发)本邮件中的信息。如果您错收了本邮件,请您立即电话或邮件通知发件人并删除本 邮件! This e-mail and its attachments contain confidential information from H3C, which is intended only for the person or entity whose address is listed above. Any use of the information contained herein in any way (including, but not limited to, total or partial disclosure, reproduction, or dissemination) by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by phone or email immediately and delete it! ��.n��������+%������w��{.n����z��u���ܨ}���Ơz�j:+v�����w����ޙ��&�)ߡ�a����z�ޗ���ݢj��w�f