Hey cephers, How to log ceph logging in the client process which calls librbd and librados to access ceph cluster. Recently, we use ceph as the backend storage of OpenStack, and I trying to open log message of ceph in OpenStack's qemu process, the client configuration( /etc/ceph/ceph.conf) is as bellow : [global] osd_journal_size = 30720 debug_ms = 1/20 log file = /var/log/libvirt/qemu/ceph_ms.log I can get the logs in /var/log/libvirt/qemu/ceph_ms.log by using command "ceph -s", but I can't get the logs from the QEMU process. Thanks for any help!��.n��������+%������w��{.n����z��u���ܨ}���Ơz�j:+v�����w����ޙ��&�)ߡ�a����z�ޗ���ݢj��w�f