Re: aarch64 conditional ansible stanza

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On 07/04/2016 17:49, Thierry Delamare wrote:
> On 04/07/2016 04:07 PM, Loic Dachary wrote:
>> On 07/04/2016 15:58, Thierry Delamare wrote:
>>> On 04/07/2016 08:46 AM, Loic Dachary wrote:
>>>> Hi Thierry,
>>>> In order to only install a template on architectures that are not aarch64, I changed
>>>> - name: Add sources list
>>>>     template:
>>>>       dest: /etc/apt/sources.list
>>>>       src: "../../templates/apt/sources.list.{{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }}"
>>>>       owner: root
>>>>       group: root
>>>>       mode: 0644
>>>>     register: sources
>>>> into
>>>> - name: Add sources list
>>>>     template:
>>>>       dest: /etc/apt/sources.list
>>>>       src: "../../templates/apt/sources.list.{{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }}"
>>>>       owner: root
>>>>       group: root
>>>>       mode: 0644
>>>>     register: sources
>>>>     when: {{ansible_architecture}} != aarch64
>>>> Is there a better way to do that ?
>>> Bonjour Loic,
>>> Using when statement is the correct way to add conditions to a task,
>>> but don't forget that the when clause contains a Jinja2 expression (not like a module argument),
>>> Thus the correct expression should rather be « when: ansible_architecture != 'aarch64' ».
>> Indeed, the previous attempt failed :-) Here is a more elaborate version that also excludes some packages that are not available in the aarch64 repositories. How does that look ?
> That looks good to me, but.
> You could also use the already existing scheme for defining vars or even including plays depending on distribution or (if you take care of it) architecture.
> I mean that you could create a roles/testnode/tasks/setup-ubuntu-aarch32.yml with only the needed tasks (instead of conditionally exclude most of them in roles/testnode/tasks/setup-ubuntu.yml) and change roles/testnode/tasks/main.yml to add « - { include: setup-ubuntu-aarch32.yml, when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" and ansible_architecture == 'aarch32' } » (maybe you also want to rename setup-ubuntu.yml as setup-ubuntu-aarch64.yml and change main.yml accordingly)
> If the common part between aarch32 and aarch64 duplicate to much, keep a common setup-ubuntu.

I did that, it looks better :-)

> Similarly for packages lists (more usual), add roles/testnode/vars/ubuntu-aarch64.yml and ubuntu-aarch32.yml for respective specific packages and use an include_vars directive using ansible_distribution and ansible_architecture once in roles/testnode/tasks/vars.yml instead of many when clauses.

I'm not sure I get where the simplification is. When I try this, I end up with more indirection levels and it feels more complicated.

> PS: Maybe you could teach me how to boostrap a working env next time we cowork.

You should be able to follow the HOWTO at when you get a chance :-) Or I'll show you.


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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
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