I have rebased to the most recent HEAD before building verything again.
But the testrun still is unable to get the virtualenv correct.
Suggestions on how to diagnose this?
cp -f ./fetch_config ./sample.fetch_config
cd ./ceph-detect-init ; ../tools/setup-virtualenv.sh ; test -d
wheelhouse && export NO_INDEX=--no-index ; virtualenv/bin/pip install
$NO_INDEX --use-wheel --find-links=file://$(pwd)/wheelhouse -e .
/bin/sh: ../tools/setup-virtualenv.sh: not found
/bin/sh: virtualenv/bin/pip: not found
Makefile:32259: recipe for target 'ceph-detect-init/virtualenv' failed
path for setup-virtual
cat ./src/tools/setup-virtualenv.sh
rm -fr virtualenv
virtualenv virtualenv
. virtualenv/bin/activate
# older versions of pip will not install wrap_console scripts
# when using wheel packages
pip --log virtualenv/log.txt install --upgrade 'pip >= 6.1'
if test -d wheelhouse ; then
export NO_INDEX=--no-index
pip --log virtualenv/log.txt install $NO_INDEX --use-wheel
--find-links=file://$(pwd)/wheelhouse --upgrade di
pip --log virtualenv/log.txt install $NO_INDEX --use-wheel
--find-links=file://$(pwd)/wheelhouse 'tox >=1.9'
if test -f requirements.txt ; then
pip --log virtualenv/log.txt install $NO_INDEX --use-wheel
--find-links=file://$(pwd)/wheelhouse -r requi
Perhaps here the virtualenv paths need to be converted into SHELLVARs as
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