Re: FreeBSD is not running atexit in ceph-mon

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On 13-2-2016 18:25, Loic Dachary wrote:
> Hi,
> There has been recent change to the pidfile implementation
> has and

Thanx for pointing me to these pulls....
The discussion about these changes was quite long, and I do remember
that there were some serious arguments about correctness, etc...

I thought that code was commited, but if they are still pulls
I'm certainly not running them. I'll check them out.

However I find it rather complex to test something as 'simple' as this,
in the convoluted why of completely firing up a ceph-mon or ceph-osd
daemon. Creating a small deamon without actual content, other than
running while(1) {sleep(1)} would make things way much beter debugable.

But that sort leaves the question standing why I'm not running the
atexit code.


> is this what you're running or something else ?
> Cheers
> On 13/02/2016 23:09, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been banging my head against the wall for 2 days now...
>> I've augmented the global/ code to print a string to
>> stderr once the pidfile_remove() code is called.
>> Below is the output from the moment a signal is received on both
>> platforms. On Linux there is a lot more work doen, as is on FreeBSD,
>> which bothers me....
>> But the most important part is that the atexit code is not executed.
>> And as a consequence of that the PID file is not removed.
>> The most obvious would be that the FreeBSD version crashes while
>> exiting. But there is no core file as indication for that.
>> Does anybody have suggestions as to why the FreeBSD variant would not be
>> executing the atexit pushed routines.
>> --WjW
>> Comamnd run:
>> ceph-mon -d --id a --mon-osd-full-ratio=.99 --mon-data-avail-crit=1
>> --paxos-propose-interval=0.1 --osd-crush-chooseleaf-type=0
>> --erasure-code-dir=.libs --plugin-dir=.libs --debug-mon 20 --debug-ms 20
>> --debug-paxos 20 --chdir= --mon-data=testdir/pidfile/a
>> '--log-file=testdir/pidfile/$name.log'
>> '--admin-socket=testdir/pidfile/$cluster-$name.asok'
>> --mon-cluster-log-file=testdir/pidfile/log --run-dir=testdir/pidfile
>> '--pid-file=testdir/pidfile/$'
>> On Linux/Centos7 this gives:
>> ====
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431348 7fe459e2d480 10 -- wait: done.
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431353 7fe459e2d480  1 -- shutdown
>> complete.
>> pidfile_remove: run at exit.
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.388430 7fe450df1700 -1 mon.a@0(leader) e1 *** Got
>> Signal Terminated ***
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.388462 7fe450df1700  1 mon.a@0(leader) e1 shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.388489 7fe452df5700 10 mon.a@0(leader).auth v4
>> check_rotate updated rotating
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.388510 7fe452df5700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 1..4) propose_pending
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.389062 7fe452df5700 10 mon.a@0(leader).auth v4
>> encode_pending v 5
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.389129 7fe452df5700  5 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> active c 1..44) queue_pending_finisher 0x7fe464bbc430
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.389136 7fe452df5700 10 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> active c 1..44) trigger_propose active, proposing now
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.389150 7fe452df5700 10 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> active c 1..44) propose_pending 45 801 bytes
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.389157 7fe452df5700 10 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> updating c 1..44) begin for 45 801 bytes
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.410897 7fe452df5700 10 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> updating c 1..44) commit_start 45
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.411038 7fe452df5700 20 mon.a@0(leader) e1
>> sync_trim_providers
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.411129 7fe450df1700 10 mon.a@0(leader) e1
>> wait_for_paxos_write flushing pending write
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.428867 7fe453df7700 20 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> writing c 1..44) commit_finish 45
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.428962 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader) e1
>> refresh_from_paxos
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429013 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(pgmap 1..11) refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429049 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429083 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(osdmap 1..10) refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429116 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(logm 1..24) refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429119 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).log v24
>> update_from_paxos
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429122 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).log v24
>> update_from_paxos version 24 summary v 24
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429157 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(monmap 1..1) refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429189 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 1..5) refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429192 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).auth v5
>> update_from_paxos
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429206 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).auth v5
>> update_from_paxos version 5 keys ver 4 latest 1
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429209 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).auth v5
>> update_from_paxos key server version 4
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429227 7fe453df7700 20 mon.a@0(leader).auth v5
>> update_from_paxos walking through version 5 len 649
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429502 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).auth v5
>> update_from_paxos() last_allocated_id=14096 max_global_id=14096
>> format_version 1
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429514 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(pgmap 1..11) post_refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429518 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).pg v11
>> post_paxos_update
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429523 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).pg v11 check_subs
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429524 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) post_refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429526 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(osdmap 1..10) post_refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429529 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(logm 1..24) post_refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429530 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(monmap 1..1) post_refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429532 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 1..5) post_refresh
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429536 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> refresh c 1..45) commit_proposal
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429544 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 1..5) _active - not active
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429550 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> refresh c 1..45) finish_round
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429550 7fe453df7700 20 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> active c 1..45) finish_round waiting_for_acting
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429554 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 1..5) _active
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429554 7fe453df7700 10
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 1..5) remove_legacy_versions
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429568 7fe453df7700  7
>> mon.a@0(leader).paxosservice(auth 1..5) _active creating new pending
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429574 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).auth v5
>> create_pending v 6
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429576 7fe453df7700 20 mon.a@0(leader).auth v5
>> upgrade_format format 1 is current
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429579 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).auth v5
>> AuthMonitor::on_active()
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429587 7fe453df7700 20 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> active c 1..45) finish_round waiting_for_readable
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429587 7fe453df7700 20 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> active c 1..45) finish_round waiting_for_writeable
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429590 7fe453df7700 10 mon.a@0(leader).paxos(paxos
>> active c 1..45) finish_round done w/ waiters, state 1
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429675 7fe450df1700 10 mon.a@0(leader) e1
>> wait_for_paxos_write flushed pending write
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429801 7fe450df1700 10 mon.a@0(shutdown).paxos(paxos
>> active c 1..45) shutdown cancel all contexts
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429828 7fe450df1700 10 mon.a@0(shutdown).osd e10
>> on_shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429863 7fe450df1700 10 mon.a@0(shutdown).osd e10
>> take_all_failures on 0 osds
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429877 7fe450df1700  0 quorum service shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429881 7fe450df1700  0 mon.a@0(shutdown).health(5)
>> HealthMonitor::service_shutdown 1 services
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.429887 7fe450df1700  0 quorum service shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.430211 7fe450df1700 10 mon.a@0(shutdown) e1
>> remove_session 0x7fe464c18e00 mon.0
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.430286 7fe450df1700 10 -- shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.430339 7fe450df1700  1 -- mark_down_all
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.430503 7fe459e2d480 10 -- wait:
>> dispatch queue is stopped
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.430532 7fe459e2d480 20 -- wait:
>> stopping accepter thread
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.430539 7fe459e2d480 10 accepter.stop accepter
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.430700 7fe4515f2700 20 accepter.accepter poll got 1
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.430722 7fe4515f2700 20 accepter.accepter closing
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.430761 7fe4515f2700 10 accepter.accepter stopping
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431000 7fe459e2d480 20 -- wait:
>> stopped accepter thread
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431021 7fe459e2d480 20 -- wait:
>> stopping reaper thread
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431092 7fe4535f6700 10 --
>> reaper_entry done
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431273 7fe459e2d480 20 -- wait:
>> stopped reaper thread
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431295 7fe459e2d480 10 -- wait:
>> closing pipes
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431331 7fe459e2d480 10 -- reaper
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431337 7fe459e2d480 10 -- reaper done
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431343 7fe459e2d480 10 -- wait:
>> waiting for pipes  to close
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431348 7fe459e2d480 10 -- wait: done.
>> 2016-02-13 16:38:45.431353 7fe459e2d480  1 -- shutdown
>> complete.
>> pidfile_remove: run at exit.
>> remove: Removing PID: 15196 in file testdir/pidfile/
>> remove: Removing PID: 15196 file: testdir/pidfile/
>> ====
>> Running the same code in the same mode on FreeBSD gives as termination:
>> ====
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.152618 804cdc800 -1 mon.a@0(leader) e1 *** Got
>> Signal Terminated ***
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.152650 804cdc800  1 mon.a@0(leader) e1 shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.152747 804cdc800 10 mon.a@0(shutdown).paxos(paxos
>> active c 1..10) shutdown cancel all contexts
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.152771 804cdc800 10 mon.a@0(shutdown).osd e1 on_shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.152776 804cdc800 10 mon.a@0(shutdown).osd e1
>> take_all_failures on 0 osds
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.152789 804cdc800  0 quorum service shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.152792 804cdc800  0 mon.a@0(shutdown).health(5)
>> HealthMonitor::service_shutdown 1 services
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.152799 804cdc800  0 quorum service shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.153028 804cdc800 10 mon.a@0(shutdown) e1
>> remove_session 0x80741f000 mon.0
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.153067 804cdc800 10 -- shutdown
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.153074 804cdc800  1 -- mark_down_all
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.153171 804c15000 10 -- wait:
>> dispatch queue is stopped
>> 2016-02-13 16:46:48.153194 804c15000 20 -- wait:
>> stopping accepter thread
>> ====
>> --
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