Hi Haomai, I happened to run ceph_objectstore_bench against key value store on master branch. It always crashed at finisher_thread_entry : assert(!ls_rval.empty()); It looks like the completion not only has null entry in the finisher queue , but also has none entry in the finisher_queue_rval. I tired and it actually is. Could you mind telling us in which case the NULL entry in finisher queue also has not any entry in finisher_queue_rval? Thanks, Please refer to issue http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/13961 Regards, James void *Finisher::finisher_thread_entry() { finisher_lock.Lock(); ldout(cct, 10) << "finisher_thread start" << dendl; utime_t start; while (!finisher_stop) { /// Every time we are woken up, we process the queue until it is empty. while (!finisher_queue.empty()) { if (logger) start = ceph_clock_now(cct); // To reduce lock contention, we swap out the queue to process. // This way other threads can submit new contexts to complete while we are working. vector<Context*> ls; list<pair<Context*,int> > ls_rval; ls.swap(finisher_queue); ls_rval.swap(finisher_queue_rval); finisher_running = true; finisher_lock.Unlock(); ldout(cct, 10) << "finisher_thread doing " << ls << dendl; // ldout(cct, 10) <<"...........Finisher thread is calling again over here........" << dendl; // Now actually process the contexts. for (vector<Context*>::iterator p = ls.begin(); p != ls.end(); ++p) { if (*p) { (*p)->complete(0); } else { // When an item is NULL in the finisher_queue, it means // we should instead process an item from finisher_queue_rval, // which has a parameter for complete() other than zero. // This preserves the order while saving some storage. assert(!ls_rval.empty()); Context *c = ls_rval.front().first; c->complete(ls_rval.front().second); ls_rval.pop_front(); } if (logger) { logger->dec(l_finisher_queue_len); logger->tinc(l_finisher_complete_lat, ceph_clock_now(cct) - start); } } ldout(cct, 10) << "finisher_thread done with " << ls << dendl; ls.clear(); finisher_lock.Lock(); finisher_running = false; } ldout(cct, 10) << "finisher_thread empty" << dendl; finisher_empty_cond.Signal(); if (finisher_stop) break; ldout(cct, 10) << "finisher_thread sleeping" << dendl; finisher_cond.Wait(finisher_lock); } // If we are exiting, we signal the thread waiting in stop(), // otherwise it would never unblock finisher_empty_cond.Signal(); ldout(cct, 10) << "finisher_thread stop" << dendl; finisher_stop = false; finisher_lock.Unlock(); return 0; } ��.n��������+%������w��{.n����z��u���ܨ}���Ơz�j:+v�����w����ޙ��&�)ߡ�a����z�ޗ���ݢj��w�f