Hi, same environment, after a test script, the io latency(get from sudo ceph --admin-daemon /run/ceph/guests/ceph-client.*.asok per dump) increase from about 4ms to 7.3ms qemu version: debian 2.1.2 kernel:3.10.45-openstack-amd64 system: debian 7.8 ceph: 0.94.5 VM CPU number: 4 (cpu MHz : 2599.998) VM memory size: 16GB 9 OSD storage servers, with 4 SSD OSD on each, total 36 OSDs. Test scripts in VM: # cat reproduce.sh #!/bin/bash times=20 for((i=1;i<=$times;i++)) do tmpdate=`date "+%F-%T"` echo "=======================$tmpdate($i/$times)=======================" tmp=$((i%2)) if [[ $tmp -eq 0 ]];then echo "############### fio /root/vdb.cfg ###############" fio /root/vdb.cfg else echo "############### fio /root/vdc.cfg ###############" fio /root/vdc.cfg fi done tmpdate=`date "+%F-%T"` echo "############### [$tmpdate] fio /root/vde.cfg ###############" fio /root/vde.cfg # cat vdb.cfg [global] rw=randwrite direct=1 numjobs=64 ioengine=sync bsrange=4k-4k runtime=180 group_reporting [disk01] filename=/dev/vdb # cat vdc.cfg [global] rw=randwrite direct=1 numjobs=64 ioengine=sync bsrange=4k-4k runtime=180 group_reporting [disk01] filename=/dev/vdc # cat vdd.cfg [global] rw=randwrite direct=1 numjobs=64 ioengine=sync bsrange=4k-4k runtime=180 group_reporting [disk01] filename=/dev/vdd # cat vde.cfg [global] rw=randwrite direct=1 numjobs=64 ioengine=sync bsrange=4k-4k runtime=180 group_reporting [disk01] filename=/dev/vde After run the scripts reproduce.sh, the disks in the VM's IOPS cutdown from 12k to 5k, the latency increase from 4ms to 7.3ms. run steps: 1. create a VM 2. create four volumes and attatch to the VM 3. sh reproduce.sh 4. in the runtime of reproduce.sh, run "fio vdd.cfg" or "fio vde.cfg" to checkt the performance After reproduce.sh finished, performance down. Anyone has the same problem or has some ideas about this? Thanks! -------------- hzwulibin 2015-11-02 ��.n��������+%������w��{.n����z��u���ܨ}���Ơz�j:+v�����w����ޙ��&�)ߡ�a����z�ޗ���ݢj��w�f