Re: writing a ceph cliente for MS windows

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Why don't you push your impl? Maybe I can have a BP first.

On 27 December 2014 at 01:10, Ketor D <d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is here any progress on Cephfs Windows Client ?
> 2013-11-08 22:15 GMT+08:00 Alphe Salas Michels <asalas@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hello malcom and matt thank you for apporting some more information source.
>> OpenAFS is sure interesting httpfs too.
>> I hope it will help us on deciding the best path to follow in our interface
>> with window.
>> Actually I still trying to isolate the needed client code in the shortest
>> way possible.
>> Regards.
>> Alphe Salas
>> El nov 7, 2013 9:11 p.m., "Malcolm Haak" <malcolm@xxxxxxx
>> <mailto:malcolm@xxxxxxx>> escribió:
>>    I'm just going to throw these in there.
>> <>
>>    They are GPLv2 some already use sockets and such from inside the
>>    kernel.  Heck you might even be able to mod the HTTP one to use
>>    rados gateway. I don't know as I havent sat down and pulled them
>>    apart enough yet.
>>    They might help, but they might be useless. Not sure.
>>    On 08/11/13 06:47, Alphe Salas Michels wrote:
>>        Hello all I finally finished my first source code extraction
>>        that starts
>>        from ceph/src/client/fuse_ll.c
>>        The result is accurate unlike previous provided results.
>>        basically the
>>        script start from a file extract all the private includes
>>        definitions
>>        #include "something.h" and recursively extract private includes
>>        too. the
>>        best way to know who is related with who.
>>        starting from I optain 390 files retreived and 120
>>        000 lines
>>        of code !
>>        involved dirs are : in ceph/src
>>        objclass/, common/, msg/, common/, osdc/, include/, client/, mds/,
>>        global/, json_spirit/, log/, os/, crush/, mon/, osd/, auth/
>>        probably not a good way to analyse what amount of work it means
>>        since
>>        most of those directories are the implementation of servers
>>        (osd, mon,
>>        mds) and even if only a tiny bit of them is needed at client
>>        level. you
>>        need two structures from ./osd/OSD.h and  my script by relation will
>>        take into acount the whole directory...
>>        I ran the script with as start point and got almost the
>>        same results. 131 000 lines of code and 386 files most of the
>>        same dirs
>>        involved.
>>        I think I will spend alot of time doing the manual source code
>>        isolation
>>        and understand way each #include is set in the files I read (what
>>        purpose they have do they allow to integrate a crucial data type
>>        or not.
>>        The other way around will be to read src/ It seems
>>        shorter
>>        but without understanding what part is used for each included
>>        header I
>>        can t say anything...
>>        I will keep reading the source code and take notes. I think in
>>        the case
>>        of libcephfs I will gain alot of time.
>>        signature
>>        *Alphé Salas*
>>        Ingeniero T.I
>>        asalas@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx>
>>        * <> <>*
>>        On 11/07/13 15:02, Alphe Salas Michels wrote:
>>            Hello D.Ketor and Matt Benjamin,
>>            You give me alot to think about and this is great!
>>            I merged your previous post to make a single reply that
>>            anyone can
>>            report to easyly
>>            Windows NFS 4.1 is available here:
>>            pnfs is another name for NFS4.X. It is presented as
>>            alternative to
>>            ceph and we get known terminology as MDS and OSD but without
>>            the self
>>            healing part if I understand well my rapid look on the
>>            topic. (when I
>>            say rapid look I mean ... 5 minutes spent in that... which
>>            is really
>>            small amount of time to get an accurate view on something)
>>            starting from mount.ceph ... I know that mount.ceph does
>>            little but it
>>            is a great hint to know what ceph needs and do things.
>>            Basically mount.ceph modprobe the ceph driver in the linux
>>            kernel then
>>            call mount with the line command passed args and the cephfs
>>            type as
>>            argument. Then the kernel does the work I don t understand
>>            yet what is
>>            the start calls that are made to the ceph driver but it
>>            seemed to me
>>            that is was relatively light. (a first impression compared
>>            to ceph-fuse.)
>>            I think I will do both isolate source code from ceph-client
>>            kernel
>>            (cephfs module for linux kernel) and the one pointed by Sage
>>            starting
>>            from client/ in ceph master branch. The common
>>            files betwin
>>            those 2 extractions will be our core set of mandatory features.
>>            Then we try to compile with cygwin a cephfs client library .
>>            Then we
>>            will try to interface with a modified windows nfs 4.1 client
>>            or pnfs
>>            or any other that will accept to be compiled with gcc for
>>            win32...
>>            the fact that windows 8.1 is and windows 2012 are out of
>>            reach at the
>>            moment is not a problem to me.
>>            Our first concern is to understand what is ceph protocol.
>>            Then adapt
>>            it to something that can be used on windows prior windows
>>            8.1. Dokan
>>            fs if I remember well use too the WDK (windows driver
>>            dev-kit ) for it
>>            s compilation so possibly we will see the same limitations.
>>            We need to multiply our source of information by example
>>            regarding
>>            ceph-client (kernel or fuse, radosgw is on a different layer
>>            so I will
>>            not try anything around it at first.) And we need to
>>            multiply our
>>            source of information by example regarding virtual file system
>>            technologies on windoes OS.
>>            Alot of work but all of those available source code everyone
>>            point at
>>            me will make our best solution. And in the end we will choose
>>            technologies knowing what we do and what concequencies they
>>            have.
>>            regards,
>>            Regards
>>            signature
>>            *Alphé Salas*
>>            Ingeniero T.I
>>            asalas@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx>
>>            On 11/07/13 11:29, Ketor D wrote:
>>                Hi Alphe:
>>                        Yes Callback Filesystem is very expensive and
>>                can't open source.
>>                It's not a good choice for ceph4win.
>>                        Another way for ceph4win maybe develop a
>>                kernel-mode fs like
>>                pnfs. pnfs has a kernel-mode windows client. I think you
>>                can read its
>>                src code and maybe migrating from ceph kernel client to
>>                windows kernel
>>                fs is easier than from userspace ceph fuse client.And a
>>                kernel-mode fs
>>                client has greater performance than userspace fs like
>>                ceph-fuse client
>>                and ceph kernel client.
>>                        Regards.
>>            On 11/07/13 11:50, Matt W. Benjamin wrote:
>>                Hi,
>>                The Window NFS v4.1 client is what we work on, so this
>>                may be good for
>>                code sharing.  The license is lgplv2, like Ceph's.
>>                Something important to be aware of is that the client
>>                uses rdbss, which
>>                is a (partial) fsd abstraction that simplified
>>                implementation
>>                quite a bit, kind of like a mini driver.  However,
>>                Microsoft's support
>>                for rdbss has been in limbo for a bit.  For example, to
>>                link with
>>                the rdbss symbols you can't use the Windows 8 driver
>>                kit--you'll need
>>                to use the one for Windows 7.  (There's a private rdbss2
>>                used internally
>>                by Microsoft's SMB implemenation.  A the moment, 3rd
>>                party drivers
>>                can't use that.)
>>                We've been in communication with Microsoft about this
>>                issue, and know of
>>                a few other fsds using it, but it could be a good thing
>>                for that
>>                lobbying
>>                effort to have another user--or it could be a dead end :(.
>>                There are a couple of other choices if you're looking to
>>                go this route,
>>                that I'm aware of (and we may need to take them too, if
>>                RDBSS has no
>>                way forward), but the required work could be a lot larger.
>>                Matt
>>                ----- "Ketor D"<d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx
>>                <mailto:d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx>>  wrote:
>>                    Hi Alphe:
>>                            Yes Callback Filesystem is very expensive
>>                    and can't open
>>                    source.
>>                    It's not a good choice for ceph4win.
>>                            Another way for ceph4win maybe develop a
>>                    kernel-mode fs like
>>                    pnfs. pnfs has a kernel-mode windows client. I think
>>                    you can read its
>>                    src code and maybe migrating from ceph kernel client
>>                    to windows
>>                    kernel
>>                    fs is easier than from userspace ceph fuse
>>                    client.And a kernel-mode
>>                    fs
>>                    client has greater performance than userspace fs
>>                    like ceph-fuse
>>                    client
>>                    and ceph kernel client.
>>                            Regards.
>>                    On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Alphe Salas
>>                    Michels<asalas@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx>>
>>                    wrote:
>>                        Commercial libraries are a pain ...
>>                        If we want the more permossive licence offered
>>                        by callback file
>>                    system we
>>                        have to buy it for 20.000 usd. Then we will have
>>                        to provide a
>>                    backbox that
>>                        we have no control upon and that will kill our
>>                        product anytime they
>>                    want anf
>>                        if they decide to stop their commercial activity
>>                        we will be in the
>>                    same
>>                        situation that with dokanfs but without having
>>                        the source code of
>>                    the black
>>                        box. If i have to spend 20 000 dollars i would
>>                        prefere paying
>>                    someone to
>>                        retake dokanfs or to write from scratch a
>>                        dokanfs fuselike software
>>                    make it
>>                        all shiny and pumpy fantastic and ready to plug
>>                        to ceph client.
>>                        I would prefere if people have to pay something
>>                        to get access to
>>                    ceph4win
>>                        that this money goes in ceph main branch
>>                        pockets... Or as a gift you
>>                    donante
>>                        to ceph 10 dollars  you get 2 free registration
>>                        codes for
>>                    ceph4win... or
>>                        something like that.
>>                        If ceph4win as to be comercial then I would
>>                        prefer delegate the task
>>                    to a
>>                        company like south river technologies and their
>>                        great product
>>                    webdrive. I
>>                        would mininaly get involved in that project and
>>                        simply buy the final
>>                    product
>>                        to sell it together with my ceph based product
>>                        (which could be a
>>                    calxeda
>>                        ceph box or something like that).
>>                        I m open anyway to any proposition. But I doubt
>>                        that callback
>>                    filesystem
>>                        offers us a suitable solution in the way I see
>>                        ceph4win to be spread
>>                    and
>>                        used... I m maybe wrong. And anything that will
>>                        be done around
>>                    ceph4win will
>>                        be public documented etc... And licensed the way
>>                        that if someone
>>                    want to
>>                        build a commercial solution on top of it, that
>>                        would be a
>>                    possibility.
>>                        My idea is to giveback somehow to ceph project
>>                        and at same time
>>                    forge a
>>                        better knowledge in ceph technologies. Because
>>                        like many in libre
>>                    world I
>>                        think the business is in the services around the
>>                        software more than
>>                    on the
>>                        software. That the ones writing code should be
>>                        financed and benefits
>>                    from
>>                        the one selling and giving support of the
>>                        software at all levels. I
>>                    m
>>                        probably too idealistic. And too optimistic
>>                        after all I m the one
>>                    saying I
>>                        will do this stuff I have no idea how but well
>>                        it is interesting and
>>                    fun so
>>                        lets do it.
>>                        Regards,
>>                        P.S: using commercial backend libraries appart
>>                        including their own
>>                    cost will
>>                        force you to use commercial IDE like MS
>>                        VisualStudio because their
>>                    library
>>                        has some kind of drm that only that IDE compiler
>>                        can use. So alot of
>>                    cost
>>                        and yet there is nothing done. If I had to open
>>                        a kickstarter
>>                    project saying
>>                        we need 60 000 USD to do ceph4win with that
>>                        monney we will buy the
>>                    right to
>>                        use and share a commercial copyrighted library
>>                        but abandonned
>>                    punctually to
>>                        us in  public domaine and that we will
>>                        eventually produce something
>>                    out of
>>                        it. I doubt I will get a dollar.
>>                        We still can suggest the idea to Edlos the
>>                        commercial company that
>>                    has the
>>                        copyright of Callback FS, Or to buy them their
>>                        product in a blender
>>                    way
>>                        (blender was bought with donation before being
>>                        put opensource and
>>                    public
>>                        domaine), Or to open source their library. But
>>                        in commercial minds
>>                        opensourcing = death of their technical
>>                        advantage and death of
>>                    their
>>                        marketing strategy. They will have to invent
>>                        something more to
>>                    retrieve
>>                        monney from it.
>>                        El nov 6, 2013 11:22 p.m., "Ketor D"
>>                        <d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx>
>>                        <mailto:d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx
>>                        <mailto:d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx>>> escribió:
>>                             Hi Alphe,
>>                                       I think you could try Callback
>>                        Filesystem dev
>>                    framework. It
>>                             is a commerical dev framework and is
>>                        maintained by Edlos today.
>>                                       I have communicated with Edlos to
>>                        get a try code for
>>                             development. To dokan, Callback Filesystem
>>                        has vary document and
>>                    maybe
>>                             more stabilize.
>>                                       Regards.
>>                             On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Alphe
>>                        Salas <asalas@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx>
>>                             <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx
>>                        <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:
>>                              > Hello ketor thank you for your interest
>>                        un ceph4win. Since
>>                    muy
>>                             first mail I
>>                              > exposed the lacks of dokanfs and that I
>>                        m far from being a
>>                             specialist un
>>                              > filesystems.
>>                              > I exposed what i like un dokanfs bit I
>>                        not a fanátic of it.
>>                    Muy
>>                             goal is to
>>                              > have something working quickly.
>>                              >
>>                              > So I am up to any proposición sure the
>>                        one with the more docs
>>                    and
>>                             support
>>                              > will be the best choice. As for right
>>                        now what I need is
>>                             understand what are
>>                              > the files involved what are the
>>                        interfaces functions and what
>>                    are
>>                             the needed
>>                              > library dependencies and if they exist
>>                        ported to windows with
>>                             cygwin. And
>>                              > all that is retrieved from source code.
>>                              >
>>                              > Regards.
>>                              >
>>                              > El nov 6, 2013 10:34 p.m., "Ketor D"
>>                        <d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx>
>>                             <mailto:d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx
>>                        <mailto:d.ketor@xxxxxxxxx>>> escribió:
>>                              >
>>                              >> Hi Alphe,
>>                              >>      We are taking an interest in your
>>                        work on Ceph Client
>>                    for
>>                             Windows
>>                              >> with Dokan.As we know, the performance
>>                        of Dokan is not very
>>                             good, and it's
>>                              >> abandoned 3 years ago.
>>                              >>      I have learned and used
>>                        OpenDedup(SDFS) for a long
>>                    time.
>>                               OpenDedup
>>                              >> has a Dokan version. And the author of
>>                        OpenDedup said
>>                              >>
>>                              >> The Dokan library is quite flakey  and
>>                        testing should be
>>                             performed before
>>                              >> putting into production
>>                              >>
>>                              >>       So what do you think about this?
>>                        And if there is
>>                    another
>>                             solution of
>>                              >> fuse-like filesystem dev framwork on
>>                        Windows?
>>                              >>
>>                              >>        Best Wish!
>>                              >>
>>                              >>
>>                              >>
>>                              >> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 5:47 AM, Alphe
>>                        Salas Michels
>>                             <asalas@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx>
>>                        <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx>>>
>>                              >> wrote:
>>                              >>>
>>                              >>> Hello I created the github repository
>>                        for this project
>>                              >>>
>>                              >>>
>>                              >>> Regards,
>>                              >>>
>>                              >>> signature
>>                              >>>
>>                              >>> *Alphé Salas*
>>                              >>> Ingeniero T.I
>>                              >>>
>>                              >>>asalas@xxxxxxxxx
>>                        <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx>
>>                        <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:asalas@xxxxxxxxx>>
>>                              >>> *<>*
>>                              >>>
>>                              >>> On 11/05/13 21:00, Sage Weil wrote:
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>> Hi Alphe,
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>> On Tue, 5 Nov 2013, Alphe Salas
>>                        Michels wrote:
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>>> signature *Hi, Sage !
>>                              >>>>> thank you for you enthousiast reply.
>>                              >>>>> I sure want to make the best use of
>>                        everything or
>>                    anything
>>                             previously
>>                              >>>>> done to
>>                              >>>>> tend to
>>                              >>>>> write ceph cliente for windows.
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>>> Apart using libre tools for building
>>                        the future ceph
>>                    cliente
>>                             I am open
>>                              >>>>> to
>>                              >>>>> anything.
>>                              >>>>> I would recommand eclipse CDT or
>>                        Code::BLocks they are
>>                    based
>>                             on mingwin
>>                              >>>>> open
>>                              >>>>> and easyly enhanceable.**
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>>> more free tools can be found here:
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>>> I will read libcephfs source code
>>                        and take some notes
>>                    about the
>>                              >>>>> protocol.
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>> I think you don't need to worry about
>>                        hte protocol at all,
>>                    since
>>                              >>>> libcephs
>>                              >>>> implements it for you (and will
>>                        capture any future
>>                    changes).
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>>> I was more going from what I know
>>                        and trying to track down
>>                    how
>>                              >>>>> mount.ceph work
>>                              >>>>> with the parameters passed to it.
>>                              >>>>> since it point finally to
>>                        Kernel/fs/ceph and that I don t
>>                    really
>>                              >>>>> understand
>>                              >>>>> how that module work and that it
>>                        probably points to some
>>                    other
>>                              >>>>> dependencies
>>                              >>>>> Reading libcephfs source code could
>>                        be a big gain of
>>                    time.
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>> (I would also ignore mount.ceph as
>>                        everything it does it
>>                             specific to
>>                              >>>> how Linux mounts work.)
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>>> basically on the protocol what is
>>                        need are:
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>>> 1) open and maintain a connection
>>                        (socket open, auth, etc
>>                    )
>>                              >>>>> 2) retreive a map of directories and
>>                        disk Quota (disk
>>                    sizing
>>                             Y TB free,
>>                              >>>>> Z TB
>>                              >>>>> total)
>>                              >>>>> 3) procedure to send files /
>>                        directories in a maner that
>>                    it
>>                             will allow
>>                              >>>>> our
>>                              >>>>> client to fit ceph transmission
>>                        protocols
>>                              >>>>> (limit bandwith for stability?,
>>                        limit connection amount?,
>>                             limit cpu
>>                              >>>>> use?,
>>                              >>>>> Cache for preparing data transfer (a
>>                        FIFO cache)?)
>>                              >>>>> 4)Procedure to retreive files /
>>                        directory from ceph
>>                    cluster
>>                              >>>>> 5) Management copy/move files
>>                        /Directories, FS stats,
>>                             Connection Stats.
>>                              >>>>> logging.
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>>> My idea to progress is to take those
>>                        main bulletpoint in
>>                    ceph
>>                             protocol
>>                              >>>>> based
>>                              >>>>> on general ideas of what ceph file
>>                        system does and start
>>                             identifying
>>                              >>>>> parts
>>                              >>>>> from libcephfs to match those "needs".
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>> Instead, I would look at
>>                        include/cephfs/libcephfs.h, the
>>                             interface that
>>                              >>>> libcephfs provides, and try to map
>>                        that to what the fuse
>>                    layer
>>                             expects.
>>                              >>>> There is both a path-based that I
>>                        suspsect lends itself
>>                    well
>>                             to the
>>                              >>>> Windows interface and (very soon now)
>>                        a handle based API
>>                    that is
>>                              >>>> targetted
>>                              >>>> at the Unix-style VFS layers.  I'm
>>                        mostly guessing,
>>                    though,
>>                             since I've
>>                              >>>> never seen any low-level fs code in
>>                        windows before.
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>> In this case, the analogous code for
>>                        Linux should be
>>                             client/
>>                              >>>> itself (and not much else), although
>>                        there will probably be
>>                    a
>>                             few tricks
>>                              >>>> necessary to map cleanly onto how the
>>                        windows interfaces
>>                    work.
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>> Does that make sense?
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>> Cheers!
>>                              >>>> sage
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>>
>>                              >>>>> Any suggestion and contributions are
>>                        welcome.
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>>> *
>>                              >>>>> On 11/05/13 11:23, Sage Weil wrote:
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> Hi Alphe,
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> On Mon, 4 Nov 2013, Alphe Salas
>>                        Michels wrote:
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> Good day developers!
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> I would like to propose to the one
>>                        interested  work with
>>                    me to
>>                              >>>>>>> develop a
>>                              >>>>>>> ceph
>>                              >>>>>>> cliente for MS windows world,
>>                        Basing us on dokanFS.
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> My company is a ceph enthousiast
>>                        that use on a dayly
>>                    basis
>>                             ceph and
>>                              >>>>>>> that
>>                              >>>>>>> need
>>                              >>>>>>> both transfer speed and big
>>                        expendable and cheap
>>                    storage.
>>                              >>>>>>> My company is specialised in data
>>                        recovery and we want
>>                    to
>>                             participate
>>                              >>>>>>> to
>>                              >>>>>>> ceph
>>                              >>>>>>> effort by bringing a ceph cliente
>>                        for windows.
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> Awesome!
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> Our experience shows us that the
>>                        best gateway is each
>>                             clientes being
>>                              >>>>>>> its
>>                              >>>>>>> own
>>                              >>>>>>> gateway, instead of having a
>>                        bottle neck server or a
>>                    cluster of
>>                              >>>>>>> bottle
>>                              >>>>>>> neck
>>                              >>>>>>> servers as gateway (FTP, samba,
>>                        SFTP,webdav, s3,
>>                    etc..).
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> We already did some research in
>>                        that domain.
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> Dokan FS is an intent  to write an
>>                        opensource fuse like
>>                             cliente for
>>                              >>>>>>> MS
>>                              >>>>>>> windows.
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> More information on DOKANFS can be
>>                        triggered here
>>                         >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> Positive points of using DOKANFS.
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> - its opensourced and well
>>                        licenced mit licence, gpl
>>                             licence and lgpl
>>                              >>>>>>> licence.
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> Negative point of using DOKAN FS.
>>                              >>>>>>> - unreachable author
>>                              >>>>>>> - Poor documentation . Dev
>>                        comments in japanese.
>>                              >>>>>>> - Work in progress so it is
>>                        unstable and needs to be
>>                    updated,
>>                              >>>>>>> debugged and
>>                              >>>>>>> maintained by a MS Windows file
>>                        system expert
>>                    developper.
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> I am not very familiar with windows
>>                        storage APIs, but
>>                             somebody told me
>>                              >>>>>> at once point there were several
>>                        interfaces against which
>>                    a
>>                             new file
>>                              >>>>>> system could be implemented,
>>                        everything from a full
>>                             in-kernel driver
>>                              >>>>>> to
>>                              >>>>>> something that is explorer-based.
>>                          Are any of those
>>                             suitable?  Using a
>>                              >>>>>> potentially abandoned fuse-like
>>                        layer makes me a bit
>>                    nervous.
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> That said,
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> I try past year to do a merge from
>>                        ceph-fuse to dokanfs
>>                              >>>>>>> here are what I learnt.
>>                              >>>>>>> - Ceph-fuse and related source
>>                        code is around 60 000
>>                    lines
>>                             of code.
>>                              >>>>>>> - Ceph protocol isn t documented
>>                        so it is like trying
>>                    to
>>                             draw a map
>>                              >>>>>>> of
>>                              >>>>>>> america
>>                              >>>>>>> using only a sextan and a compass.
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> Those led me to those conclusions:
>>                              >>>>>>> - I can t do it alone.
>>                              >>>>>>> - It is easier to draw down the
>>                        ceph protocol way to
>>                    work from
>>                              >>>>>>> kernel/fs/ceph
>>                              >>>>>>> sources and mount.ceph
>>                              >>>>>>> - Ceph depending libraries may be
>>                        unexistant or not up
>>                    to
>>                             date in
>>                              >>>>>>> their
>>                              >>>>>>> port
>>                              >>>>>>> on MS Windows (cygwin)
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> I think the most sane path should
>>                        be to make libcephfs
>>                             sufficiently
>>                              >>>>>> portable to build on windows (or
>>                        cygwin).  For the bits
>>                    used
>>                             by the
>>                              >>>>>> client-side coe, I don't think
>>                        there should be much in
>>                    the
>>                             way of
>>                              >>>>>> dependencies, and the main
>>                        challenge would be untangling
>>                    the
>>                             build for
>>                              >>>>>> the necessary pieces out from the
>>                        rest of Ceph.
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> Have you seen the wip-port
>>                        portability work that is
>>                             currently underway
>>                              >>>>>> by
>>                              >>>>>> Noah and Alan?  That may solve many
>>                        of the cygwin
>>                    problems
>>                             you are
>>                              >>>>>> seeing
>>                              >>>>>> today.
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> - MS file system specialist are
>>                        hard do find in the
>>                    "open
>>                             source
>>                              >>>>>>> libre
>>                              >>>>>>> world"
>>                              >>>>>>> so I will try in the commercial world.
>>                              >>>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>> The commercial world has some
>>                        problems too. They need
>>                    ceph
>>                             protocol
>>                              >>>>>>> draft
>>                              >>>>>>> to
>>                              >>>>>>> implemente it to their own product
>>                        They will have
>>                    licencing
>>                              >>>>>>> /commercial
>>                              >>>>>>> politics that infringe lgpl, and
>>                        hide that most of the
>>                    work
>>                             is done
>>                              >>>>>>> by
>>                              >>>>>>> people
>>                              >>>>>>> other than them. They will not
>>                        participate in a
>>                    financial
>>                             way to ceph
>>                              >>>>>>> enhancement and growth.
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> I don't think reimplementing the
>>                        client code is an
>>                    efficient way
>>                              >>>>>> forward.
>>                              >>>>>> Unless the goal is a pure kernel
>>                        implementation...but a
>>                             significant
>>                              >>>>>> ongoing investment in development
>>                        resources would be
>>                    needed
>>                             for that
>>                              >>>>>> going
>>                              >>>>>> forward.  I suspect that is a
>>                        challenge for a platform
>>                    that
>>                             does not
>>                              >>>>>> typically rally that sort of
>>                        community effort.
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> The easiest thing is of course just
>>                        to use CIFS and
>>                    Samba
>>                             (which works
>>                              >>>>>> today).  A fuse-like approach is
>>                        probably a reasonably
>>                             middle ground
>>                              >>>>>> (both
>>                              >>>>>> in initial effort and
>>                        maintainability going forward)...
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>> sage
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>>
>>                              >>>>>
>>                              >>>
>>                              >>> --
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>>                              >>
>>                              >>
>>                              >
>>                    --
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>>                    "unsubscribe ceph-devel"
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Dong Yuan
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