RE: [Ceph-Devel] NO pg created for erasure-coded pool

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Strange, you said strange...

I created a replicated pool (if it was what you asked for) as followed
root@p-sbceph11:~# ceph osd pool create strangepool 128 128 replicated
pool 'strangepool' created
root@p-sbceph11:~# ceph osd pool set strangepool crush_ruleset 53 
set pool 108 crush_ruleset to 53
root@p-sbceph11:~# ceph osd pool get strangepool size
size: 3
root@p-sbceph11:~#  rados lspools | grep strangepool
root@p-sbceph11:~# ceph df
    SIZE       AVAIL      RAW USED     %RAW USED 
    97289M     69667M       27622M         28.39 
    NAME                   ID      USED       %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS 
    data                   0       12241M     12.58        11090M         186 
    metadata               1            0         0        11090M           0 
    rbd                    2            0         0        13548M           0 
    .rgw.root              3         1223         0        11090M           4 
    .rgw.control           4            0         0        11090M           8 
    .rgw                   5        13036         0        11090M          87 
    .rgw.gc                6            0         0        11090M          32 
    .log                   7            0         0        11090M           0 
    .intent-log            8            0         0        11090M           0 
    .usage                 9            0         0        11090M           0 
    .users                 10         139         0        11090M          13           11         100         0        11090M           9 
    .users.swift           12          43         0        11090M           4 
    .users.uid             13        3509         0        11090M          22 
    .rgw.buckets.index     15           0         0        11090M          31 
    .rgw.buckets           16       1216M      1.25        11090M        2015 
    atelier01              87           0         0         7393M           0 
    atelier02              94      28264k      0.03        11090M           4 
    atelier02cache         98       6522k         0        20322M           2 
    strangepool            108          0         0            5E           0

The pool is created and it doesn't work...
rados -p strangepool put remains inactive...

If there are active pgs for strangepool, it's surely because they were created with the default ruleset = 0.

The problem seems to be in the control of the rule 53 ;  note that, for debugging, the ruleset-failure-domain was previously set to osd instead of host. I don't think it's relevant.

Finally, I don't know if you wanted me to create a replicated pool using a erasure ruleset or simply a new erasure-coded pool.

Creating a new erasure-coded pool also fails.

We also tried to create an erasure-coded pool on another platform using a standard crushmap, and it fails too.

Best regards

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Loic Dachary [mailto:loic@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Envoyé : mercredi 15 octobre 2014 13:55
À : CHEVALIER Ghislain IMT/OLPS; ceph-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : Re: [Ceph-Devel] NO pg created for erasure-coded pool

Hi Ghislain,

This is indeed strange, the pool exists

pool 100 'ecpool' erasure size 3 min_size 2 crush_ruleset 52 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 128 pgp_num 128 last_change 11849 flags hashpspool stripe_width 4096

but ceph pg dump shows no sign of the expected PG (i.e. starting with 100. in the output if I'm not mistaken).

Could you create another pool using the same ruleset and check if you see errors in the mon / osd logs when you do so ?


On 15/10/2014 01:00, ghislain.chevalier@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi,
> Cause erasure-code is at the top of your mind...
> Here are the files
> Best regards
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Loic Dachary [mailto:loic@xxxxxxxxxxx] Envoyé : mardi 14 octobre 
> 2014 18:01 À : CHEVALIER Ghislain IMT/OLPS; ceph-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> Objet : Re: [Ceph-Devel] NO pg created for erasure-coded pool
> Ah, my bad, did not go to the end of the list ;-)
> could you share the output of ceph pg dump and ceph osd dump ?
> On 14/10/2014 08:14, ghislain.chevalier@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Here is the list of the types. host is type 1
>>   "types": [
>>         { "type_id": 0,
>>           "name": "osd"},
>>         { "type_id": 1,
>>           "name": "host"},
>>         { "type_id": 2,
>>           "name": "platform"},
>>         { "type_id": 3,
>>           "name": "datacenter"},
>>         { "type_id": 4,
>>           "name": "root"},
>>         { "type_id": 5,
>>           "name": "appclient"},
>>         { "type_id": 10,
>>           "name": "diskclass"},
>>         { "type_id": 50,
>>           "name": "appclass"}],
>> And there are 5 hosts with 2 osds each at the end of the tree.
>> Best regards
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : Loic Dachary [mailto:loic@xxxxxxxxxxx] Envoyé : mardi 14 octobre
>> 2014 16:44 À : CHEVALIER Ghislain IMT/OLPS; 
>> ceph-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Objet : Re: [Ceph-Devel] NO pg created for 
>> eruasre-coded pool
>> Hi,
>> The ruleset has
>> { "op": "chooseleaf_indep",
>>           "num": 0,
>>           "type": "host"},
>> but it does not look like your tree has a bucket of type host in it.
>> Cheers
>> On 14/10/2014 06:20, ghislain.chevalier@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> HI,
>>> THX Loïc for your quick reply.
>>> Here is the result of ceph osd tree
>>> As showed at the last ceph day in Paris, we have multiple root but the ruleset 52 entered the crushmap on root default.
>>> # id    weight  type name       up/down reweight
>>> -100    0.09998 root diskroot
>>> -110    0.04999         diskclass fastsata
>>> 0       0.009995                        osd.0   up      1
>>> 1       0.009995                        osd.1   up      1
>>> 2       0.009995                        osd.2   up      1
>>> 3       0.009995                        osd.3   up      1
>>> -120    0.04999         diskclass slowsata
>>> 4       0.009995                        osd.4   up      1
>>> 5       0.009995                        osd.5   up      1
>>> 6       0.009995                        osd.6   up      1
>>> 7       0.009995                        osd.7   up      1
>>> 8       0.009995                        osd.8   up      1
>>> 9       0.009995                        osd.9   up      1
>>> -5      0.2     root approot
>>> -50     0.09999         appclient apprgw
>>> -501    0.04999                 appclass fastrgw
>>> 0       0.009995                                osd.0   up      1
>>> 1       0.009995                                osd.1   up      1
>>> 2       0.009995                                osd.2   up      1
>>> 3       0.009995                                osd.3   up      1
>>> -502    0.04999                 appclass slowrgw
>>> 4       0.009995                                osd.4   up      1
>>> 5       0.009995                                osd.5   up      1
>>> 6       0.009995                                osd.6   up      1
>>> 7       0.009995                                osd.7   up      1
>>> 8       0.009995                                osd.8   up      1
>>> 9       0.009995                                osd.9   up      1
>>> -51     0.09999         appclient appstd
>>> -511    0.04999                 appclass faststd
>>> 0       0.009995                                osd.0   up      1
>>> 1       0.009995                                osd.1   up      1
>>> 2       0.009995                                osd.2   up      1
>>> 3       0.009995                                osd.3   up      1
>>> -512    0.04999                 appclass slowstd
>>> 4       0.009995                                osd.4   up      1
>>> 5       0.009995                                osd.5   up      1
>>> 6       0.009995                                osd.6   up      1
>>> 7       0.009995                                osd.7   up      1
>>> 8       0.009995                                osd.8   up      1
>>> 9       0.009995                                osd.9   up      1
>>> -1      0.09999 root default
>>> -2      0.09999         datacenter nanterre
>>> -3      0.09999                 platform sandbox
>>> -13     0.01999                         host p-sbceph13
>>> 0       0.009995                                        osd.0   up      1
>>> 5       0.009995                                        osd.5   up      1
>>> -14     0.01999                         host p-sbceph14
>>> 1       0.009995                                        osd.1   up      1
>>> 6       0.009995                                        osd.6   up      1
>>> -15     0.01999                         host p-sbceph15
>>> 2       0.009995                                        osd.2   up      1
>>> 7       0.009995                                        osd.7   up      1
>>> -12     0.01999                         host p-sbceph12
>>> 3       0.009995                                        osd.3   up      1
>>> 8       0.009995                                        osd.8   up      1
>>> -11     0.01999                         host p-sbceph11
>>> 4       0.009995                                        osd.4   up      1
>>> 9       0.009995                                        osd.9   up      1
>>> Best regards
>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>> De : Loic Dachary [mailto:loic@xxxxxxxxxxx] Envoyé : mardi 14 
>>> octobre
>>> 2014 12:12 À : CHEVALIER Ghislain IMT/OLPS; 
>>> ceph-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Objet : Re: [Ceph-Devel] NO pg created 
>>> for eruasre-coded pool
>>> On 14/10/2014 02:07, ghislain.chevalier@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Context :
>>>> Ceph : Firefly 0.80.6
>>>> Sandbox Platform  : Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 5 VM (VMware), 3 mons, 10 osd
>>>> Issue:
>>>> I created an erasure-coded pool using the default profile
>>>> --> ceph osd pool create ecpool 128 128 erasure default
>>>> the erasure-code rule was dynamically created and associated to the pool.
>>>> root@p-sbceph14:/etc/ceph# ceph osd crush rule dump erasure-code {
>>>> "rule_id": 7,
>>>>   "rule_name": "erasure-code",
>>>>   "ruleset": 52,
>>>>   "type": 3,
>>>>   "min_size": 3,
>>>>   "max_size": 20,
>>>>   "steps": [
>>>>         { "op": "set_chooseleaf_tries",
>>>>           "num": 5},
>>>>         { "op": "take",
>>>>           "item": -1,
>>>>           "item_name": "default"},
>>>>         { "op": "chooseleaf_indep",
>>>>           "num": 0,
>>>>           "type": "host"},
>>>>         { "op": "emit"}]}
>>>> root@p-sbceph14:/var/log/ceph# ceph osd pool get ecpool 
>>>> crush_ruleset
>>>> crush_ruleset: 52
>>>> No error message was displayed at pool creation but no pgs were created.
>>>> --> rados lspools confirms the pool is created but rados/ceph df 
>>>> --> shows no pg for this pool
>>>> The command  "rados -p ecpool put services /etc/services" is 
>>>> inactive
>>>> (stalled) and the following message is encountered in ceph.log
>>>> 2014-10-14 10:36:50.189432 osd.5 799 : 
>>>> [WRN] slow request 960.230073 seconds old, received at 2014-10-14
>>>> 10:20:49.959255: osd_op(client.1192643.0:1 services [writefull 
>>>> 0~19281] 100.5a48a9c2 ondisk+write e11869) v4 currently waiting for 
>>>> pg to exist locally
>>>> I don't know if I missed something or if the problem is somewhere else..
>>> The erasure-code rule displayed will need at least three hosts. If there are not enough hosts with OSDs the mapping will fail and put will hang until an OSD becomes available to complete the mapping of OSDs to the PGs. What does your ceph osd tree shows ?
>>> Cheers
>>>> Best regards
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> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre


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