Hi All, I was reading more on Hadoop over ceph. I heard from Noah that tuning of Hadoop on Ceph is going on. I am just curious to know if there is any reason to keep default object size as 64MB. Is it because of the fact that it becomes difficult to encode getBlockLocations if blocks are divided into objects and to choose the best location for tasks if no nodes in the system has a complete block.? I am wondering if someone any benchmark results for various object sizes. If you have them, it will be helpful if you share them. I see that Ceph doesn¹t place objects considering the client location or distance between client and the osds where data is stored.(data-locality) While, data locality is the key idea for HDFS block placement and retrieval for maximum throughput. So, how does ceph plan to perform better than HDFS as ceph relies on random placement using hashing unlike HDFS block placement? Can someone also point out some performance results comparing ceph random placements vs hdfs locality aware placement? Also, Sage wrote about a way to specify a node to be primary for hadoop like environments. (http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.ceph.devel/1548 ) Is this through primary affinity configuration? Thanks, Johnu ÿ淸º{.nÇ+돴윯돪†+%듚ÿ깁負¥Šwÿº{.nÇ+돴œz˜ÿu銀쀸㎍썳變}©옽Æ zÚ&j:+v돣?®w?듺2듷솳鈺Ú&¢)傘«a뛴ÿÿ鎬z요z받쀺+껠šŽ듶¢jÿŠw療f