Re: Wireshark Dissector and the Future

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On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 5:22 AM, Kevin Cox <kevincox@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Hello,
> This summer as a GSOC project I have implemented a Wireshark dissector
> for Ceph.  It has been committed to Wireshark master and will be
> available in the next release.
> I have been talking with Sage and we have been identifying a couple of
> next steps that need to be discussed about how the dissector will be
> kept up to date and related issues.
> Firstly there is the issue of the two existing dissectors sitting in the
> Ceph tree.  Neither compile with a modern Wireshark and the new one is
> far more complete.  The current plan is simply to delete them unless
> anyone has objections or a better idea.
> Secondly there is the issue of keeping the dissector up to date.  The
> way it is written it should be fairly resilient to new messages and
> encodings but of course to be the most useful it would understand the
> latest version of the protocol.
> There is documentation coming to both the Ceph tree and the top of the
> Wireshark dissector (both mostly written but uncommitted) describing how
> to update the dissector.  However we were wondering how updating the
> dissector could become part of the regular workflow when updating Ceph.
>  I have a couple of ideas myself but wanted to pitch it to the community
> to see what we could come up with in addition to my thoughts which are
> below.
> 1. Make if part of the review process. "Hey, I noticed you updated the
> encoding of 'x' could you update the wireshark dissector as well."
> 2. Create a "static analysis" tool to check for current encoding
> versions and warn if they are newer then what is supported by the
> dissector.
> 3. Run the network traffic of automated tests (such as teuthology)
> through Wireshark and check the warnings/errors.
> I think number 3 is particularly interesting because it can catch more
> then encoding mismatches and possibly other errors in the traffic.
> However it needs much more integration and requires that the new
> encodings are properly tested (although they should be anyway).
> I would appreciate ideas and feedback about how this can/should be
> handled and integrated into the pipeline.

A little late now (I've been on vacation) but I just want to register
a vote against option #1 — nobody is going to consistently remember
that. :) I suspect option #3 is the most practical and most likely to
keep it up to date; I don't know exactly how would be best to dump the
network traffic but I think that it should be fairly simple to dump
any gathered data into wireshark as part of a short teuthology test
that's in all the suites.
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