Hi Jiangang,
To answer your earlier question about Uniformity:
What I saw in my testing was that the PG count increases, things did
tend to get more uniform, ie the standard deviation of the percentages
distributed over the set of OSDs slowly decreased with more PGs.
Primarily what I am interested in though is whether or not any specific
OSD has more PGs than the rest as that's all it will take to screw up
performance. As far as performance goes though, in my testing it didn't
necessarily seem to be strongly correlated with the PG distribution,
except for very small numbers of PGs. Much more rigorous testing is
probably needed to draw much of a conclusion.
Sage and I had a conversation a while ago about how to deal with
situations where you have uneven distributions (either through not
having enough PGs to ensure even distribution, or simply bad luck at
psuedo-random roulette). I proposed that we might iterate through
multiple possible pool distributions using different seed values until
we found one we liked with good psudorandom distribution. Perhaps you
could get even fancier by looking at what happens when you lose and OSD
or two. As this is all during pool creation, a little extra time
finding a nice initial distribution doesn't really hurt.
Sage mentioned though that it may be better to simple take whatever
distribution is generated and simply re-weight it to deal with
uniformity imperfections. I can't see any reason why this wouldn't also
work and has the benefit that it works no matter how the distribution
changes. Arguably this technique could go beyond just looking at PG
distributions and look at actual data distribution too if the user wants
extremely even data uniformity at the expense of a re-weighting tweak.
In any event, with very large clusters with lots of pools, I think we
will likely need to at some point adopt some kind of scheme that lets us
get away with fewer PGs per pool than our current recommendations.
On 12/11/2013 12:22 AM, Duan, Jiangang wrote:
Cc the mail list as Sage suggested.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sage Weil [mailto:sage@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:10 PM
To: Zhang, Jian
Cc: Mark Nelson; Duan, Jiangang
Subject: RE: question on BG# and its performance impact
On Wed, 11 Dec 2013, Zhang, Jian wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions, I will take a look on the ls output.
No, we didn't use the optimal crush tunables.
Hopefully that is part of it... try repeating the test with the optimal tunables (now the default in master)!
-----Original Message-----
From: Sage Weil [mailto:sage@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Zhang, Jian
Cc: Mark Nelson; Duan, Jiangang
Subject: RE: question on BG# and its performance impact
I might be worthwhile here to get teh actual list of objects (rados -p $pool ls list.txt) and calculate the pg and osd mappings for each of them to verify things are uniform.
One thing: are you using the 'optimal' crush tunables (ceph osd crush tunables optimal)?
Also, can we cc ceph-devel?
On Wed, 11 Dec 2013, Zhang, Jian wrote:
Thanks for the help.
For the performance dip, I think it should casued by the directory splitting, just check several OSD, it does has many sub directories.
For the pg # and distribution, see if I understand you correctly:
When you said "a slow trend toward uniformity" do you mean the pg # for each pool is unforim? But from sheet2, the pg # on OSD10 is 103, while the pg # on OSD8 is 72, there is still a 30% gap. And I think that's the reason we saw performance drop of 10M read with 1280 pgs - pg # on the OSD is not balance.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Nelson [mailto:mark.nelson@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12:01 PM
To: Duan, Jiangang
Cc: Sage Weil (sage@xxxxxxxxxxx); Zhang, Jian
Subject: Re: question on BG# and its performance impact
Hi Jiangang,
My results are rather old at this point, but I did similar testing last spring to look at PG distribution and performance (with larger writes) with varying numbers of PGs. I saw what looked like a slow trend toward uniformity. Performance however was quite variable.
The performance dip you saw after many hours may have been due to directory splitting on the underlying OSDs. When this happens depends on the number of objects that are written out and the number of PGs in the pool. Eventually, when enough objects are written, the filestore will create a deeper nested directory structure to store objects to keep the maximum number of objects per directory below a certain maximum.
This is governed by two settings:
filestore merge threshold = 10
filestore split multiple = 2
The total number of objects per directory is by default 10 * 2 * 16 = 320. With small PG counts this can cause quite a bit of directory splitting if there are many objects.
I believe that it is likely these defaults are lower than necessary and we could allow more objects per directory, potentially reducing the number of seeks for dentry lookups (though theoretically this should be cached). We definitely have seen this have a large performance impact with RGW though on clusters with small numbers of PGs. With more PGs, and more relaxed thresholds, directory splitting doesn't happen until many many millions of objects are written out, and performance degradation as the disk fills up appears to be less severe.
On 12/10/2013 09:05 PM, Duan, Jiangang wrote:
We find object# unbalance condition in our Ceph setup for both RBD
and object. Refer to the attached pdf.
Increase the PG# does increase performance however result in
unstable issues ?
Is this a known issue and do you have any BKM to fix this?
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