Hi, Today Sam pointed out that the API for LRC ( Xorbas Hadoop Project Page, Locally Repairable Codes (LRC) http://smahesh.com/HadoopUSC/ for instance ) would need to be different from the one initialy proposed: context(k, m, reed-solomon|...) => context* c encode(context* c, void* data) => void* chunks[k+m] decode(context* c, void* chunk[k+m], int* indices_of_erased_chunks) => void* data // erased chunks are not used repair(context* c, void* chunk[k+m], int* indices_of_erased_chunks) => void* chunks[k+m] // erased chunks are rebuilt The decode function must allow for partial read: decode(context* c, int offset, int length, void* chunk[k+m], int* indices_of_erased_chunks, int* missing_chunks) => void* data If there are not enough chunks to recover the desired data range [offset, offset+length) the function returns NULL and sets missing_chunks to the list of chunks that must be retrieved in order to be able to read the desired data. If decode is called to read just 1 chunk and it is missing, reed-solomon would return on error and ask for all other chunks to repair. If the underlying library implements LRC, it would ask for a subset of the chunks. An implementation allowing only full reads and using jerasure ( which does not do LRC ) requires that offset is always zero, length is the size of the object and returns a copy of indices_of_erased_chunks if there are not enough chunks to rebuild the missing ones. Comments are welcome :-) -- Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.
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