Hi Ceph, TL;DR: use jerasure 1.2 with Reed-Solomon to code/decode/repair an object, and upgrade to 2.0 when available. Disclaimer: I'm no expert ;-) The terms are explained in wikipedia[1]. Using Reed-Solomon object O is encoded by dividing it into consecutive chuncks O1, O2, ... ON and computing parity blocks P1, P2, ... PK. Reading the original content of object O is a simple concatenation of O1, O2, ... ON. If O2 or P2 are lost, they can be repaired/reconstructed using O1 ... ON and P1 ... PK. If the use case is mostly reading objects and repairs are at least 1000 times less likely than normal operations, being able to read the object from non-coded chuncks is attractive. Reed-Solomon is significantly more expensive to encode ( 100MB/s order of magnitude on a single 2.5Ghz core ) than fountain codes with the current jerasure implementation[2]. However, gf-complete[3] that will be used in the upcoming version of jerasure significantly improves performances ( 2 to 10 times faster ) and the difference becomes negligible. Reed-Solomon coding family is the only one that can keep the chuncks unencoded and therefore concatenable. The jerasure library is packaged and being worked on by the author at the moment. All other Free Software implementations are either not packaged or not maintained. The license[4] of jerasure is compatible with the license of Ceph. Performances depend on the parameters to the Reed-Solomon functions but they will also be influenced by the buffer sizes used when calling the encoding functions: smaller buffers will mean more calls and more overhead. Open questions: * Does Mojette Transform [5] have compelling qualities compared to other code families ? * Do hierarchical codes [6] have compelling qualities ? Implementing them would require a different API. To be effective they need to take into account the context in which an object is stored where the other code only require the object itself. * I have not experiemented with the jerasure API yet Feedback and criticisms are welcome :-) [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasure_code [2] jerasure 1.2 http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~plank/plank/papers/CS-08-627.html [3] gf-complete http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~plank/plank/papers/CS-13-703.html [4] jerasure license https://github.com/tsuraan/Jerasure/blob/master/License.txt [5] Mojette Transform http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojette_Transform [6] hierarchical codes http://www.e-biersack.eu/BPublished/nc_springer.pdf -- Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.
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