Re: Poor performance with rbd volumes

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Hi,I think you should really put your journal on ssd, or tmpfs for testing.

----- Mail original ----- 

De: "Maciej Gałkiewicz" <maciejgalkiewicz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
À: ceph-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Envoyé: Mardi 16 Octobre 2012 16:27:08 
Objet: Poor performance with rbd volumes 


I have two ceph clusters configured this way: 

# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf 
auth supported = cephx 
keyring = /srv/ceph/keyring.admin 

mon data = /srv/ceph/mon 
mon clock drift allowed = 0.5 

host = n11c1 
mon addr = 
host = cc2 
mon addr = 
host = n13c1 
mon addr = 

debug mds = 1 
keyring = /srv/ceph/ceph-stage2/keyring.$name 

host = n11c1 

osd data = /srv/ceph/$name 
osd journal = /srv/ceph/$name.journal 
osd journal size = 1000 
keyring = /srv/ceph/ceph-stage2/keyring.$name 
debug osd = 1 

host = n14c1 
host = n11c1 
host = n13c1 
host = n12c1 

# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf 
auth supported = cephx 
keyring = /srv/ceph/keyring.admin 

mon data = /srv/ceph/mon 
mon clock drift allowed = 0.5 

host = cc 
mon addr = 
host = n3cc 
mon addr = 

debug mds = 1 
keyring = /srv/ceph/ceph-stage2/keyring.$name 

host = cc 
host = n3cc 
mds standby replay = true 
mds standby for name = cc 

osd data = /srv/ceph/$name 
osd journal = /srv/ceph/$name.journal 
osd journal size = 1000 
keyring = /srv/ceph/ceph-stage2/keyring.$name 
debug osd = 1 

host = cc 
host = n3cc 

I am using RBD volumes mapped on virtual machines which run postgresql 
and mongodb databases. Right now there are 15 clients with postgresql 
and 10 with mongodb. All clients generate at most 0.4 IOPS (both read 
and write). Here are the graphs (writes per second) for nodes with 
osds from last week: 

Is it normal that ceph generates so much writes? In staging cluster 
there are no clients connected and still there are about 40 writes/s. 
I have also checked admin socket and dumped ops_in_flight. There were 
0 ops. 
The situation on production is also weird for me. There are a lot of 
writes which do not reflect volume usage on clients. Looks like ceph 
have a big overhead or more likely something is wrong with the 

Benchmarks from both clusters: 

root@n12c1[production]:/srv/ceph# rados -p todo-list bench 60 write -b 
4096 -t 16 
Maintaining 16 concurrent writes of 4096 bytes for at least 60 seconds. 
Object prefix: benchmark_data_n12c1_2638 
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat avg lat 
0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 
1 16 20 4 0.0156214 0.015625 0.798329 0.696832 
2 16 20 40.00781079 0 - 0.696832 
3 16 20 40.00520727 0 - 0.696832 
4 16 20 40.00390549 0 - 0.696832 
5 16 20 40.00312442 0 - 0.696832 
6 16 20 40.00260369 0 - 0.696832 
7 16 20 40.00223175 0 - 0.696832 
8 16 20 40.00195278 0 - 0.696832 
9 16 20 40.00173581 0 - 0.696832 
10 16 20 40.00156223 0 - 0.696832 
11 16 20 40.00142021 0 - 0.696832 
12 16 20 40.00130186 0 - 0.696832 
13 16 20 40.00120171 0 - 0.696832 
14 16 20 40.00111588 0 - 0.696832 
15 16 20 40.00104149 0 - 0.696832 
16 16 20 40.000976395 0 - 0.696832 
17 16 20 40.000918959 0 - 0.696832 
18 16 20 40.000867905 0 - 0.696832 
19 16 24 80.001644450.000868056 18.9809 9.83857 
2012-10-16 16:10:18.553915min lat: 0.391531 max lat: 18.9809 avg lat: 9.83857 
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat avg lat 
20 16 24 80.00156223 0 - 9.83857 
21 16 25 90.001673810.00195312 20.6347 11.0381 
22 16 36 200.00355051 0.0429688 0.259829 14.4342 
23 16 36 200.00339614 0 - 14.4342 
24 16 36 200.00325464 0 - 14.4342 
25 16 37 210.003280680.00130208 23.8748 14.8838 
26 16 37 21 0.0031545 0 - 14.8838 
27 16 37 210.00303766 0 - 14.8838 
28 16 37 210.00292918 0 - 14.8838 
29 16 37 210.00282817 0 - 14.8838 
30 16 37 21 0.0027339 0 - 14.8838 
31 16 37 210.00264571 0 - 14.8838 
32 16 37 210.00256303 0 - 14.8838 
33 16 37 210.00248537 0 - 14.8838 
34 16 37 210.00241227 0 - 14.8838 
35 16 37 210.00234335 0 - 14.8838 
36 16 37 210.00227825 0 - 14.8838 
37 16 37 210.00221668 0 - 14.8838 
38 16 37 210.00215834 0 - 14.8838 
39 16 37 21 0.002103 0 - 14.8838 
2012-10-16 16:10:38.557419min lat: 0.258984 max lat: 23.8748 avg lat: 14.8838 
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat avg lat 
40 16 37 210.00205043 0 - 14.8838 
41 16 37 210.00200041 0 - 14.8838 
42 16 37 210.00195279 0 - 14.8838 
43 16 37 210.00190737 0 - 14.8838 
44 16 37 210.00186402 0 - 14.8838 
45 16 37 21 0.0018226 0 - 14.8838 
46 16 37 210.00178298 0 - 14.8838 
47 16 37 210.00174504 0 - 14.8838 
48 16 37 210.00170869 0 - 14.8838 
49 16 37 210.00167382 0 - 14.8838 
50 16 37 210.00164034 0 - 14.8838 
51 16 37 210.00160818 0 - 14.8838 
52 16 37 210.00157725 0 - 14.8838 
53 16 37 210.00154749 0 - 14.8838 
54 16 37 210.00151884 0 - 14.8838 
55 16 37 210.00149122 0 - 14.8838 
56 16 37 210.00146459 0 - 14.8838 
57 16 37 21 0.0014389 0 - 14.8838 
58 16 37 210.00141409 0 - 14.8838 
59 16 37 210.00139012 0 - 14.8838 
2012-10-16 16:10:58.560825min lat: 0.258984 max lat: 23.8748 avg lat: 14.8838 
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat avg lat 
60 16 37 210.00136695 0 - 14.8838 
61 16 37 210.00134454 0 - 14.8838 
62 16 37 210.00132286 0 - 14.8838 
63 16 37 210.00130186 0 - 14.8838 
64 16 37 210.00128152 0 - 14.8838 
65 16 37 21 0.0012618 0 - 14.8838 
66 6 38 320.001893610.00104802 44.154 25.6537 
67 6 38 320.00186535 0 - 25.6537 
Total time run: 67.779471 
Total writes made: 38 
Write size: 4096 
Bandwidth (MB/sec): 0.002 

Stddev Bandwidth: 0.00555568 
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 0.0429688 
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0 
Average Latency: 27.8774 
Stddev Latency: 17.9306 
Max latency: 64.4662 
Min latency: 0.258984 

root@cc[staging]:/var/images# rados -p todo-list-test bench 60 write 
-b 4096 -t 16 
Maintaining 16 concurrent writes of 4096 bytes for at least 60 seconds. 
Object prefix: benchmark_data_cc_20637 
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat avg lat 
0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 
1 16 129 113 0.441308 0.441406 0.089088 0.130034 
2 16 228 212 0.413976 0.386719 0.170227 0.144586 
3 16 324 308 0.400965 0.375 0.17551 0.149879 
4 16 481 465 0.454019 0.613281 0.081618 0.136798 
5 16 628 612 0.478042 0.574219 0.080181 0.124768 
6 16 641 625 0.406831 0.0507812 0.707781 0.136926 
7 16 641 625 0.348713 0 - 0.136926 
8 16 659 643 0.313911 0.0351562 0.281386 0.193741 
9 16 739 723 0.313749 0.3125 0.177852 0.196558 
10 16 865 849 0.331585 0.492188 0.142906 0.18791 
11 16 1009 993 0.352569 0.5625 0.089554 0.176182 
12 16 1059 1043 0.339462 0.195312 0.132217 0.174339 
13 16 1075 1059 0.318157 0.0625 1.57543 0.195923 
14 16 1075 1059 0.295431 0 - 0.195923 
15 16 1076 1060 0.2759960.00195312 2.07952 0.1977 
16 16 1156 1140 0.278275 0.3125 0.158087 0.22184 
17 16 1204 1188 0.272933 0.1875 0.08167 0.223639 
18 16 1221 1205 0.261459 0.0664062 0.714995 0.236254 
19 16 1222 1206 0.2479040.00390625 0.293113 0.236301 
2012-10-16 16:14:21.879463min lat: 0.066844 max lat: 2.96921 avg lat: 0.247091 
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat avg lat 
20 16 1302 1286 0.251131 0.3125 0.19978 0.247091 
21 16 1317 1301 0.241961 0.0585938 0.203456 0.246584 
22 16 1399 1383 0.24552 0.320312 0.158703 0.253264 
23 16 1511 1495 0.253864 0.4375 0.164127 0.245372 
24 16 1654 1638 0.266557 0.558594 0.086673 0.234202 
25 16 1718 1702 0.265894 0.25 0.27639 0.230337 
26 16 1720 1704 0.255967 0.0078125 1.58549 0.231933 
27 16 1785 1769 0.255889 0.253906 0.140973 0.238474 
28 16 1816 1800 0.251075 0.121094 0.179986 0.247877 
29 16 1913 1897 0.25548 0.378906 0.103972 0.243542 
30 16 2057 2041 0.265712 0.5625 0.071993 0.234536 
31 16 2233 2217 0.279314 0.6875 0.090504 0.223128 
32 16 2264 2248 0.274369 0.121094 0.11962 0.221455 
33 16 2281 2265 0.268067 0.0664062 0.22729 0.232648 
34 16 2281 2265 0.260183 0 - 0.232648 
35 16 2298 2282 0.254646 0.0332031 0.227998 0.244199 
36 16 2425 2409 0.261351 0.496094 0.116612 0.238956 
37 16 2553 2537 0.267798 0.5 0.126228 0.232921 
38 16 2652 2636 0.270926 0.386719 0.12253 0.229696 
39 16 2665 2649 0.265281 0.0507812 0.205365 0.229567 
2012-10-16 16:14:41.882716min lat: 0.066844 max lat: 2.96921 avg lat: 0.234852 
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat avg lat 
40 16 2730 2714 0.264996 0.253906 0.116825 0.234852 
41 16 2730 2714 0.258532 0 - 0.234852 
42 16 2747 2731 0.253958 0.0332031 0.155447 0.245442 
43 16 2844 2828 0.256862 0.378906 0.159537 0.242571 
44 16 2892 2876 0.255285 0.1875 0.548109 0.242033 
45 16 2955 2939 0.25508 0.246094 0.245377 0.243047 
46 16 2957 2941 0.249705 0.0078125 1.33743 0.243768 
47 16 3021 3005 0.24971 0.25 0.226326 0.249331 
48 16 3021 3005 0.244508 0 - 0.249331 
49 16 3067 3051 0.243184 0.0898438 0.218276 0.255766 
50 16 3068 3052 0.2383990.00390625 1.28465 0.256103 
51 16 3068 3052 0.233724 0 - 0.256103 
52 16 3085 3069 0.230506 0.0332031 0.78895 0.26712 
53 16 3181 3165 0.233232 0.375 0.128619 0.267592 
54 16 3244 3228 0.233469 0.246094 0.162226 0.265363 
55 16 3245 3229 0.2292950.00390625 1.23061 0.265662 
56 16 3326 3310 0.23085 0.316406 0.130218 0.270394 
57 16 3421 3405 0.233309 0.371094 0.271192 0.26772 
58 16 3422 3406 0.2293540.00390625 0.243273 0.267713 
59 16 3472 3456 0.228777 0.195312 0.172423 0.272543 
2012-10-16 16:15:01.885897min lat: 0.066844 max lat: 2.96921 avg lat: 0.271267 
sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat avg lat 
60 16 3536 3520 0.22913 0.25 0.245948 0.271267 
61 16 3536 3520 0.225373 0 - 0.271267 
Total time run: 61.778350 
Total writes made: 3537 
Write size: 4096 
Bandwidth (MB/sec): 0.224 

Stddev Bandwidth: 0.199931 
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 0.6875 
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0 
Average Latency: 0.278853 
Stddev Latency: 0.441319 
Max latency: 2.96921 
Min latency: 0.066844 

The biggest problem in my clusters is poor performance. Simple insert 
to the database on the client often takes seconds. It is unacceptable 
and I am trying to find the bottleneck. Could you please help me with 

Replica count is set to 2. Kernel 3.2.23, ceph 0.52, osd data are 
stored on the same partition (two 7200rpm disks in raid0) as journal 
files, filesystem btrfs. Filesystem on n11c1 is 4 months old, n12c1 
and n14c1 are around 1.5 month old, cc and n3cc is around 3 months 
old. Both clusters are healthy. Production have around 544 pgs and 46 
pools, staging 232 and 8 pools. 

Maciej Galkiewicz 
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