There are two things going on in this branch. The first part is a 'standard' way of constructing the encode/decode functions to facilitate backward and forward compatibility and incompatibility detection. The basic scheme is: 1 byte - version of this encoding 1 byte - incompat version.. the oldest code version we expect to be able to decode this 4 bytes - length of payload ... data ... In general, when we decode, we verify that the incompat version is <= our (code) version. If not, we throw an exception. Then we decode the payload, using the version for any conditionals we need to (e.g. to skip newly added fields, etc.). We skip any data at the end. When we revise an encoding, we should add new fields at the end, and in general leave old fields in place, ideally with values that won't confuse old code. When that doesn't work, we'll eventually need to bump the incompat version to write off old code. This generally isn't a problem if people are rolling forward frequently. Only users to make big jumps will have trouble having daemons with different versions interact (at least when it comes to encoding; if protocols change that's another matter). When we can't handle a change with a compatible encoding change, we can introduce a feature bits and conditionally encode old formats for old peers. This is just more work and eats into a more limited feature bit space. To make this painless, there are a few new macros to do the encode/decode boilerplate. If the encode/decode functions we originally void pool_snap_info_t::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { __u8 struct_v = 1; ::encode(struct_v, bl); ::encode(snapid, bl); ::encode(stamp, bl); ::encode(name, bl); } void pool_snap_info_t::decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { __u8 struct_v; ::decode(struct_v, bl); ::decode(snapid, bl); ::decode(stamp, bl); ::decode(name, bl); } then we would revise them to be void pool_snap_info_t::encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(2, 2, bl); New version is 2. v1 code can't decode this, so the second argument (incompat) is also 2. ::encode(snapid, bl); ::encode(stamp, bl); ::encode(name, bl); ::encode(new_thing, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(); } void pool_snap_info_t::decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START_LEGACY(2, bl, 2); We can still decode v1 code, but it doesn't have the (new) length and incompat version fields, so use the _LEGACY macro. The second 2 means we started using the new approach with v2. ::decode(snapid, bl); ::decode(stamp, bl); ::decode(name, bl); if (struct_v >= 2) ::decode(new_thing, bl); DECODE_FINISH(); } This requires and initial incompat change to add the length and incompat fields, but then we can generally add things without breakage. ---- The second question is how to test compatibility between different versions of code. There are a few parts to this. First, a ceph-dencoder tool is compiled for each version of the code that is able to encode, decode, and dump (in json) whatever structures we support. It works something like this: ceph-dencoder object_info_t -i inputfile decode dump_json to read in encoded data, decode it, and dump it into json. We can do a trivial identity check (that decode of encode matches) with ceph-dencoder object_info_t -i inputfile decode dump_json > /tmp/a ceph-dencoder object_info_t -i inputfile decode encode decode dump_json > /tmp/b cmp /tmp/a tmp/b Obviously that should always pass. For testing cross-version encoding, we need a ceph-dencoder and a corpus of objects encoded for each version. Assuming you have that, you can (a) make sure we can decode anything from other versions without crashing, (b) compare the dumps between version and whitelist changes (e.g., when fields are added or removed). You can also specify feature bits to test encoding for older versions, and take, say everything for the v0.42 corpus, encode for the v0.40 feature bits, and verify that the 0.40 version of ceph-dencoder can handle it. And verify+whitelist diffs. How to build the per-version corpus? We can write unit tests that explicitly generate interesting object instances. That's tedious and time consuming, but probably best, since the developer knows what corner cases are interesting. Alternatively/additionally, a patch in wip-encoding instruments the encode() wrapper to dump a sample of all encoded objects to a temporary directory. This lets you run the system for a while and quickly generate a body of encoded objects that can feed the verification process above. Some moderate human attention can pick a sample of those, or we can randomly take the biggest, smallest, and something in between.. whatever seems appropriate. Current status: - The ceph-dencoder tool works. - Capturing encoded objects works. - New encode/decode macros are there. - A simple shell script does some basic identity checks (decode of encode is the same). Still need: - how to structure corpus - scripts to do cross-version validation - process for whitelisting differences - some slightly special handline for Message, which doesn't use the standard encode/decode wrapper functions. I'm hoping for something that is relatively robust and also mostly painless. In particular, it would be nice to get some decent coverage without a bit initial investment. Currently, we just need to write dump() functions and then add types to src/test/encoding/types.h. Thoughts on this approach? sage -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at