Dear All: I map the same rbd image to the rbd device on two different servers. For example: 1. create rbd image named foo 2. map foo to /dev/rbd0 on server A, mount /dev/rbd0 to /mnt 3. map foo to /dev/rbd0 on server B, mount /dev/rbd0 to /mnt If I put add a file to /mnt via server A, I hope I can see the same file on server B. However, I can't see it until I umount /mnt on server A and re-mount /mnt on server B. Do you have any comment about this scenario? How could I force the data synchronization? Actually, I want to implement the iSCSI High Available multipath on Therefore, I tried this small experiment first, but fail. Would you please give me some suggestion before I start to implement it? Thanks! -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at