Re: IOZone Performance is very Strange

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root@MDS2:/mnt/ceph# rados bench 30 write -p data
Maintaining 16 concurrent writes of 4194304 bytes for at least 30 seconds.
  sec Cur ops   started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat   avg lat
    0       0         0         0         0         0         -         0
    1      16        37        21   83.9856        84  0.993284  0.567195
    2      16        64        48   95.9862       108  0.470228  0.562306
    3      16        92        76   101.314       112  0.320282  0.573153
    4      16       119       103   102.983       108  0.645115  0.575708
    5      16       147       131   104.782       112  0.595362   0.57243
    6      16       176       160   106.649       116  0.320091  0.566513
    7      16       204       188   107.412       112  0.764551  0.568444
    8      16       230       214   106.983       104  0.519568  0.570681
    9      16       261       245   108.872       124  0.572544  0.570245
   10      16       287       271   108.383       104   1.06776  0.569834
   11      16       317       301   109.437       120  0.450807  0.569928
   12      16       342       326   108.649       100  0.336045  0.565149
   13      16       371       355   109.213       116  0.846668  0.570469
   14      16       400       384   109.696       116  0.758495  0.570053
   15      16       429       413   110.115       116  0.325192  0.569528
   16      16       455       439   109.732       104  0.454317  0.568965
   17      16       485       469   110.335       120   1.36841  0.570114
   18      16       513       497   110.427       112   1.26513   0.56956
   19      16       541       525   110.509       112  0.650765   0.57068
min lat: 0.237473 max lat: 1.6513 avg lat: 0.570027
  sec Cur ops   started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat   avg lat
   20      16       565       549   109.782        96  0.561031  0.570027
   21      16       593       577   109.886       112  0.619525  0.570106
   22      16       624       608   110.527       124  0.505926  0.572197
   23      16       650       634   110.243       104  0.609987  0.570785
   24      16       679       663   110.482       116  0.475714  0.569979
   25      16       708       692   110.702       116  0.444257  0.568121
   26      16       737       721   110.905       116  0.288582  0.569373
   27      16       766       750   111.093       116   1.15793  0.567702
   28      16       793       777   110.982       108  0.287232   0.56945
   29      16       821       805   111.016       112  0.324029  0.571677
   30      16       847       831   110.781       104  0.386532  0.569997
Total time run:        30.413070
Total writes made:     848
Write size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):    111.531

Average Latency:       0.573732
Max latency:           1.6513
Min latency:           0.237473

root@MDS2:/mnt/ceph# rados bench 30 seq -p data
  sec Cur ops   started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat   avg lat
    0       0         0         0         0         0         -         0
    1      16        39        23   91.9819        92  0.913858  0.441642
    2      16        68        52   103.984       116  0.259619  0.472126
    3      16        96        80   106.652       112   0.34457  0.511364
    4      16       125       109   108.985       116  0.408573  0.533846
    5      16       153       137   109.584       112   0.28345  0.550811
    6      16       179       163    108.65       104  0.659187  0.549494
    7      16       208       192   109.698       116  0.981796  0.553188
    8      16       234       218   108.984       104  0.539604   0.55086
    9      16       264       248   110.206       120  0.479113  0.547496
   10      16       294       278   111.184       120   1.27273  0.552185
   11      16       320       304   110.529       104   1.14992  0.557991
   12      16       349       333   110.984       116  0.933907  0.559665
   13      16       376       360   110.753       108   0.26945  0.559205
   14      16       403       387   110.555       108   1.65993  0.559534
   15      16       432       416   110.916       116  0.895407  0.563238
   16      16       460       444   110.983       112  0.872572  0.560972
   17      16       488       472   111.041       112  0.678441  0.561167
   18      16       516       500   111.094       112  0.737577  0.563033
   19      16       544       528    111.14       112  0.304587  0.565015
min lat: 0.138238 max lat: 2.30221 avg lat: 0.564114
  sec Cur ops   started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat   avg lat
   20      16       573       557   111.381       116  0.413558  0.564114
   21      16       602       586   111.601       116    1.0044  0.561393
   22      16       627       611   111.072       100   1.33495  0.562511
   23      16       658       642   111.633       124   1.28495  0.564387
   24      16       685       669   111.482       108  0.255379  0.565283
   25      16       714       698   111.662       116  0.979657  0.565571
   26      16       742       726   111.674       112  0.296857  0.561789
   27      16       770       754   111.685       112  0.205119   0.55878
   28      16       796       780    111.41       104   0.44966  0.559254
   29      16       826       810   111.706       120  0.432128  0.559298
read got -2
error during benchmark: -5
error 5: Input/output error

Do you know What happened to the final output of read performance test~?

Thank you, Jeff!!  :-)


2011/5/18 Jeff Wu <cpwu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi ,
> Normally , read performance should be more than write performance ,about
> 20% ~ 30% .
> Could you run the following commands and attach all of the results ?
>  $rados bench 30 write -p data   //write performance
>  $rados bench 30 seq  -p data    // read performance //
> On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 13:54 +0800, AnnyRen wrote:
>> Hi Jeff & Henry,
>> I took your advice and used the following command to run iozone test
>> /usr/bin/iozone -z -c -e -a -n 512M -g 2G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -f
>> /mnt/ceph/file0517.dbf -Rb /excel0517.xls
>> Attachment is the output result.
>> Writer Report
>>       4       8       16      32      64      128     256     512     1024    2048    4096    8192    16384
>> 524288        97920   101778  97050   103121  103445  102137  101082  101993  98835   103674  102043  99424   102679
>> 1048576       104306  104841  103616  105884  106044  102221  105666  105890  105811  106409  103957  104062  102115
>> 2097152       106896  107989  108428  107500  108453  108444  109584  108618  109413  108102  107529  108357  107545
>> Reader Report
>>       4       8       16      32      64      128     256     512     1024    2048    4096    8192    16384
>> 524288        3756286 5029629 5049864 5810960 5577953 5554606 5388867 5636832 5709141 5253596 3805560 3640738 3442332
>> 1048576       3709316 4733745 5400857 5655874 5788923 5565162 5865768 5546521 5886345 5167771 4485693 3531487 3473877
>> 2097152       4305329 5103282 5713626 6399318 6180508 6392487 5804140 4621404 5873338 5837715 4181626 3420274 3506328
>> the file size grows from 512 MB to 2 GB, write performance is about 94
>> MB/s~ 106 MB/s
>> and read performance still exceed 3 GB~6 GB, is it too fast ?
>> Or we used the cache or buffer but we don't know? if yes, how could we
>> avoid to use the cache to read ?
>> Thanks very much. :-)
>> Best Regards,
>> Anny
>> 2011/5/18 Jeff Wu <cpwu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> >
>> > Hi AnnyRen,
>> >
>> > with the test results ,  run a 1G data at your ceph cluster ,
>> > should be about 100M/sec.
>> > maybe,iozone test results didn't include iozone flush time.
>> >
>> > Could you list your hardware platform infos ?
>> > network:1G,4G,8G,FC ...?,cpu,memory:size ? ,disk:PATA,SATA,SAS,SSD ??
>> > and
>> > could you try other iozone commands ,for instance :
>> >
>> > 1)
>> > add "-e" param to include flush(fsync,fflush) in the timing
>> > calculations.
>> >
>> > /usr/bin/iozone -azcR -e -f /mnt/ceph/test0516.dbf  \
>> > -g 1G -b /exceloutput0516.xls
>> >
>> > 2)run a large data which size is your host memory size*2:
>> >
>> > $./iozone -z -c -e -a -n 512M -g {memory_size}*2M -i 0 -i 1 -i 2  \
>> > -f /mnt/ceph/fio -Rb ./iozone.xls
>> >
>> > or
>> > 2)
>> > !/bin/sh
>> >
>> > for i in 32 64 128 256
>> > do
>> > ./iozone -r ${i}k -t 10 -s 4096M -i 0 -i 1 -i 2   \
>> > -F /mnt/ceph/F1 /mnt/ceph/F2 /mnt/ceph/F3 /mnt/ceph/F4 /mnt/ceph/F5 /mnt/ceph/F6 /mnt/ceph/F7 /mnt/ceph/F8 /mnt/ceph/F9 /mnt/ceph/F10
>> > done
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Jeff
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 15:34 +0800, AnnyRen wrote:
>> >> Hi, Jeff:
>> >>
>> >> I run "ceph osd tell osd_num bench" with 1 times per osd
>> >>
>> >> and use ceph -w to observe every osd performance,
>> >>
>> >> osd0:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 10.875844
>> >> sec at 96413 KB/sec
>> >> osd1:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 11.784985
>> >> sec at 88975 KB/sec
>> >> osd2:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 11.161067
>> >> sec at 93949 KB/sec
>> >> osd3:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 10.798796
>> >> sec at 97101 KB/sec
>> >> osd4:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 14.437141
>> >> sec at 72630 KB/sec
>> >> osd5:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 14.451444
>> >> sec at 72558 KB/sec
>> >> osd6:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 11.083872
>> >> sec at 94603 KB/sec
>> >> osd7:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 11.062728
>> >> sec at 94784 KB/sec
>> >> osd8:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 14.137312
>> >> sec at 74170 KB/sec
>> >> osd9:  [INF] bench: wrote 1024 MB in blocks of 4096 KB in 13.489992
>> >> sec at 77729 KB/sec
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> and I run
>> >> root@MDS2:/mnt/ceph# rados bench 60 write -p data
>> >>
>> >> the result is
>> >>
>> >> Total time run:        60.553247
>> >> Total writes made:     1689
>> >> Write size:            4194304
>> >> Bandwidth (MB/sec):    111.571
>> >>
>> >> Average Latency:       0.573209
>> >> Max latency:           2.25691
>> >> Min latency:           0.218494
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 2011/5/17 Jeff Wu <cpwu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> >> > Hi AnnyRen
>> >> >
>> >> > Could you run the following commands and give us the test results?
>> >> >
>> >> > $ceph osd tell OSD-N bench    // OSD-N : osd number : 0,1,2 ....
>> >> > $ceph -w
>> >> >
>> >> > $rados bench 60 write -p data    // refer to "rados -h "
>> >> >
>> >> > Jeff
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 11:53 +0800, AnnyRen wrote:
>> >> >> I'm running iozone on EXT4 with Ceph v0.26.
>> >> >> But I got the weird result, most write performance exceed 1GB/s, even
>> >> >> up to 3GB/s
>> >> >> I think it's not normal to get the performance outpupt.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Command line I used is: /usr/bin/iozone -azcR -f
>> >> >> /mnt/ceph/test0516.dbf -g 1G -b /exceloutput0516.xls
>> >> >> Attachment is the output file...
>> >> >>
>> >> >> and my environment is composed of 15 physical machines with
>> >> >>
>> >> >> 3 MON, 2MDS (1 active, 1 standby), 10 OSD (1 osd daemon (3T) /host)
>> >> >> EXT4 format
>> >> >> data replication size: 3
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> "Writer report"
>> >> >>         "4"  "8"  "16"  "32"  "64"  "128"  "256"  "512"  "1024"
>> >> >> "2048"  "4096"  "8192"  "16384"
>> >> >> "64"   983980  1204796  1210227  1143223  1357066
>> >> >> "128"   1007629  1269781  1406136  1391557  1436229  1521718
>> >> >> "256"   1112909  1430119  1523457  1652404  1514860  1639786  1729594
>> >> >> "512"   1150351  1475116  1605228  1723770  1797349  1712772  1783912  1854787
>> >> >> "1024"   1213334  1471481  1679160  1828574  1888889  1899750  1885572
>> >> >>  1865912  1875690
>> >> >> "2048"   1229274  1540849  1708146  1843410  1903457  1980705  1930406
>> >> >>  1913634  1906837  1815744
>> >> >> "4096"   1213284  1528348  1674646  1762434  1872096  1882352  1881528
>> >> >>  1903416  1897949  1835102  1731177
>> >> >> "8192"   204560  155186  572387  238548  186597  429036  187327
>> >> >> 157205  553771  416512  299810  405842
>> >> >> "16384"   699749  559255  687450  541030  828776  555296  742561
>> >> >> 525483  604910  452423  564557  670539  970616
>> >> >> "32768"   532414  829610  812215  879441  863159  864794  865938
>> >> >> 804951  916352  879582  608132  860732  1239475
>> >> >> "65536"   994824  1096543  1095791  1317968  1280277  1390267  1259868
>> >> >>  1205214  1339111  1346927  1267888  863234  1190221
>> >> >> "131072"   1063429  1165115  1102650  1554828  1182128  1185731
>> >> >> 1190752  1195792  1277441  1211063  1237567  1226999  1336961
>> >> >> "262144"   1280619  1368554  1497837  1633397  1598255  1609212
>> >> >> 1607504  1665019  1590515  1548307  1591258  1505267  1625679
>> >> >> "524288"   1519583  1767928  1738523  1883151  2011216  1993877
>> >> >> 2023543  1867440  2106124  2055064  1906668  1778645  1838988
>> >> >> "1048576"   1580851  1887530  2044131  2166133  2236379  2283578
>> >> >> 2257454  2296612  2271066  2101274  1905829  1605923  2158238
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> "Reader report"
>> >> >>         "4"  "8"  "16"  "32"  "64"  "128"  "256"  "512"  "1024"
>> >> >> "2048"  "4096"  "8192"  "16384"
>> >> >> "64"   1933893  2801873  3057153  3363612  3958892
>> >> >> "128"   2286447  3053774  2727923  3468030  4104338  4557257
>> >> >> "256"   2903529  3236056  3245838  3705040  3654598  4496299  5117791
>> >> >> "512"   2906696  3437042  3628697  3431550  4871723  4296637  6246213  6395018
>> >> >> "1024"   3229770  3483896  4609294  3791442  4614246  5536137  4550690
>> >> >>  5048117  4966395
>> >> >> "2048"   3554251  4310472  3885431  4096676  6401772  4842658  5080379
>> >> >>  5184636  5596757  5735012
>> >> >> "4096"   3416292  4691638  4321103  5728903  5475122  5171846  4819300
>> >> >>  5258919  6408472  5044289  4079948
>> >> >> "8192"   3233004  4615263  4536055  5618186  5414558  5025700  5553712
>> >> >>  4926264  5634770  5281396  4659702  3652258
>> >> >> "16384"   3141058  3704193  4567654  4395850  4568869  5387732
>> >> >> 4436432  5808029  5578420  4675810  3913007  3911225  3961277
>> >> >> "32768"   3704273  4598957  4088278  5133719  5896692  5537024
>> >> >> 5234412  5398271  4942992  4118662  3729099  3511757  3481511
>> >> >> "65536"   4131091  4210184  5341188  4647619  6077765  5852474
>> >> >> 5379762  5259330  5488249  5246682  4342682  3549202  3286487
>> >> >> "131072"   3582876  5251082  5332216  5269908  5303512  5574440
>> >> >> 5635064  5796372  5406363  4958839  4435918  3673443  3647874
>> >> >> "262144"   3659283  4551414  5746231  5433824  5876196  6011650
>> >> >> 5552000  5629260  5298830  4982226  4628902  4065823  3421924
>> >> >> "524288"   3905973  5488778  5219963  6047356  5916811  6180455
>> >> >> 5495733  5925628  5637512  5537123  3517132  3550861  3047013
>> >> >> "1048576"   3855595  5634571  5410298  6001809  6464713  6299610
>> >> >> 5894249  5516031  5800161  5209203  4295840  3724983  3641623
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >
>> >
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