Hi, I set an environment of 7 servers which include 3 MONs(host1 host2 host3), 2 MDSs(host4 host5) and 2 OSDes(host6 host7). My version is 0.25.2 and OS is Fedora 14. There's a problem when I was installing the Ceph. When I finished "mkcephfs -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf --allhosts --mkbtrfs -k keyring.bin" . I start the whole Ceph system. But here is the problem I met: The system stops running and it shows the error messages as shown below: === mds.0 === Starting Ceph mds0 on Ceph4... ** WARNING: Ceph is still under heavy development, and is only suitable for ** ** testing and review. Do not trust it with important data. ** terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ceph::buffer::end_of_buffer' what(): buffer::end_of_buffer bash: line 1: 24409 Segmentation fault (core dumped) /usr/local/bin/cmds -i 0 -c /tmp/ceph.conf.5135 failed: 'ssh Ceph4 /usr/local/bin/cmds -i 0 -c /tmp/ceph.conf.5135 ' The ceph.conf is shown below: [global] pid file = /var/run/ceph/$name.pid debug ms =1 auth supported = cephx [mon] mon data = /data1/mon$id ;debug ms = 1 ;debug mon = 20 ;debug paxos = 20 ;debug auth = 20 [mon0] host = host1 mon addr = [mon1] host = host2 mon addr = [mon2] host = host3 mon addr = [mds] keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring.$name ;debug ms = 1 ;debug mds = 20 [mds0] host = host4 [mds1] host = host5 [osd] keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring.$name osd data = /mnt/btrfs/osd$id osd journal = /opt/osd/osd$id/journal ;osd journal = /data/osd$id/journal osd journal size = 512 ;debug ms = 1 ;debug osd = 20 ;debug filestore = 20 ;debug journal = 20 [osd0] host = host6 btrfs devs = /dev/sdb1 [osd1] host = host6 btrfs devs = /dev/sdc1 [osd2] host = host6 btrfs devs = /dev/sdd1 [osd3] host = host7 btrfs devs = /dev/sdb1 [osd4] host = host7 btrfs devs = /dev/sdc1 [osd5] host = host7 btrfs devs = /dev/sdd1 I want to know why the system cannot run smoothly. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Best Regards, Stefanie Chen -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe ceph-devel" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html