I have an error creating filesystem with ceph 0.20 installed in 2 nodes
in 64bits Debian squeeze:
~# mkcephfs -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf --allhosts --mkbtrfs
/usr/bin/monmaptool --create --clobber --add --print
/usr/bin/monmaptool: monmap file /tmp/monmap.1644
/usr/bin/monmaptool: generated fsid d2ebbcdc-f9f4-b27e-4fa1-a7ba65debea1
epoch 1
fsid d2ebbcdc-f9f4-b27e-4fa1-a7ba65debea1
last_changed 10.05.06 14:34:27.663460
created 10.05.06 14:34:27.663460
/usr/bin/monmaptool: writing epoch 1 to /tmp/monmap.1644 (1 monitors)
max osd in /etc/ceph/ceph.conf is 1, num osd is 2
/usr/bin/osdmaptool: osdmap file '/tmp/osdmap.1644'
/usr/bin/osdmaptool: writing epoch 1 to /tmp/osdmap.1644
Building admin keyring at /tmp/admin.keyring.1644
creating /tmp/admin.keyring.1644
Building monitor keyring with all service keys
creating /tmp/monkeyring.1644
importing contents of /tmp/admin.keyring.1644 into /tmp/monkeyring.1644
creating /tmp/keyring.mds.pc234
importing contents of /tmp/keyring.mds.pc234 into /tmp/monkeyring.1644
creating /tmp/keyring.mds.pc238
importing contents of /tmp/keyring.mds.pc238 into /tmp/monkeyring.1644
creating /tmp/keyring.osd.0
importing contents of /tmp/keyring.osd.0 into /tmp/monkeyring.1644
creating /tmp/keyring.osd.1
importing contents of /tmp/keyring.osd.1 into /tmp/monkeyring.1644
=== mon0 ===
The authenticity of host 'pc234 (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 38:4b:fe:76:3e:fb:9a:07:a8:2b:77:c5:78:57:e6:f1.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
10.05.06 14:34:30.220850 7f55fbcaa710 store(/data/mon0) mkfs
10.05.06 14:34:30.220994 7f55fbcaa710 store(/data/mon0) test -d
/data/mon0 && /bin/rm -rf /data/mon0 ; mkdir -p /data/mon0
10.05.06 14:34:30.234028 7f55fbcaa710 mon0(starting).class v0
create_initial -- creating initial map
10.05.06 14:34:30.237482 7f55fbcaa710 mon0(starting).auth v0
create_initial -- creating initial map
10.05.06 14:34:30.237496 7f55fbcaa710 mon0(starting).auth v0 reading
initial keyring
/usr/bin/mkmonfs: created monfs at /data/mon0 for mon0
100% 123 0.1KB/s 00:00
=== mds.pc234 ===
100% 125 0.1KB/s 00:00
=== mds.pc238 ===
`/tmp/keyring.mds.pc238' -> `/data/keyring.mds.pc238'
=== osd0 ===
umount: /data/osd0: not mounted
umount: /dev/sdb: not mounted
WARNING! - see http://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org before using
fs created label (null) on /dev/sdb
nodesize 4096 leafsize 4096 sectorsize 4096 size 149.05GB
Btrfs Btrfs v0.19
Scanning for Btrfs filesystems
failed to read /dev/hda
100% 187 0.2KB/s 00:00
** WARNING: Ceph is still under heavy development, and is only
suitable for **
** testing and review. Do not trust it with important
data. **
os/FileJournal.cc: In function 'int FileJournal::_open(bool, bool)':
os/FileJournal.cc:74: FAILED assert(r == 0)
1: (FileJournal::create()+0x7e) [0x553f9e]
2: (FileStore::mkjournal()+0x74) [0x53f9e4]
3: (FileStore::mkfs()+0x64c) [0x53b67c]
4: (OSD::mkfs(char const*, char const*, ceph_fsid, int)+0x40) [0x4c25a0]
5: (main()+0x3a9) [0x455af9]
6: (__libc_start_main()+0xfd) [0x7f6be70e4abd]
7: /usr/bin/cosd [0x455579]
NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is
needed to interpret this.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ceph::FailedAssertion*'
bash: line 1: 2924 Aborted (core dumped) /usr/bin/cosd
-c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf --monmap /tmp/monmap.1644 -i 0 --mkfs --osd-data
failed: 'ssh pc234 /usr/bin/cosd -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf --monmap
/tmp/monmap.1644 -i 0 --mkfs --osd-data /data/osd0'
FYI my ceph.conf:
auth supported = cephx
mon data = /data/mon$id
debug ms = 1
host = pc234
mon addr =
keyring = /data/keyring.$name
host = pc234
host = pc238
osd data = /data/osd$id
osd journal = /data/osd$id/journal
host = pc234
btrfs devs = /dev/sdb
host = pc238
btrfs devs = /dev/sdb
Did I make something wrong ?
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