Can you find the first time this problem occoured? How about tryingolder kernel versions? You are either dealing with misbehaving hardware/driver or you need totweak the settings on your clock source. Believe it or not but good sources of info to fix this affect vmwarealso so read those docs. On 4/20/09, Ugo Bellavance <ugob@xxxxxxxx> wrote:> JohnS a écrit :>> On Sun, 2009-04-19 at 09:02 -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:>>> On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 8:34 AM, JohnS <jses27@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:>>>>>>> I don't reacall any one really saying if there was indeed a fix put into>>>> that PAE or any Specific Kernel for CentOS. Can the CentOS Kernel>>>> Builder Comment Please?>>>>>>>> Also See: +1>>>>>>>>>>>> JohnStanley>>> As noted at the top of that wiki page, the contents need to be>>> updated. When I added that note, I intended to do it asap but have>>> not had a chance to do so. However, the link referenced in there (>>> ) is the best source for timekeeping>>> at this moment. In short, CentOS no longer offers 100Hz kernels>>> because the divider=10 kernel option now works.>>>>>> Akemi>> ---->> Thanks Akemi for the update on it. That should fix hin up,>> I'm not using VMWare, I'm using OpenVZ...>> Ugo>> _______________________________________________> CentOS mailing list> CentOS@xxxxxxxxxx>> -- Sent from my mobile device_______________________________________________CentOS mailing listCentOS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx://