On Mon, 2009-04-13 at 10:31 -0400, Rick Barnes wrote:> Hello,> > Over the weekend, I upgraded one of my servers that runs mysql and pdns> to 5.3. Previous to the update I have not had an issue form this server.> But since, I have had mysql die multiple times from oom-killer.> > $ uname -a> Linux rack2a 2.6.18-128.1.6.el5 #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 09:10:25 EDT 2009> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux> > Unfortunately, the server has been rebooted by others before I have been> able to look at it while the problem is occurring. But I have found this> in the logs:> > http://pastebin.centos.org/25553> > Running sar -A:> > http://pastebin.centos.org/25556> > Since the server was rebooted, the amount of swap is used is 0.> > How do I determine what process is/was chewing up the memory on this> server? What should I be looking for to narrow this down?> > Thanks,> Rick---You found your problem already. MYSQL. There could be something helpingit also. When SQL server begins running out of RAM there could be manythings to blame on it doing so. What actually does mysql do? As in whatdo you use it for. Try ps –auxf | grep mysqld. Something else you canuse is "mytop". You can use the below as a script and it works in aninfinite loop or just use the command only. What you need to see is therunning queries.###################!/bin/bashwhile [ 1 ]do mysql -N -u root -ppassword -e 'show processlist' |grep -v 'show processlist' sleep 2done################## JohnStanley _______________________________________________CentOS mailing listCentOS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos