I am totally new to using CentOS. Linux in Genera really. I have decent
experiencing with terminal code for Macs though.
Here's the deal my Boss wants us to move more toward linux for some of
our basic users. All I was supposed to do was install CentOS 5.2 and
Open Office and disburse the machines. Simple enough right. So I did
this with no issue. I ran the interface and installed only GNOME and
KDE. After installation was complete I activated the eth-0 and had it on
DHCP. I connected to the net fine and began downloading open office. I
left for the day and came back and I can no longer get back online. The
eth-0 wont even activate unless I manually enter a static IP but still
can not establish a connection online. I treid reinstalling to no avail.
Even built a completely new box and still no avail. I am using CentOS
5.2 i386 DVD.
Like I said I am new to this so any guidance would be appreciated to get
me into the Linux world. Thank you.
Jose Mendez
Computer Resource Specialist
University of California, San Diego
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