Ric Moore wrote:
On Sat, 2008-09-13 at 07:27 -0400, William L. Maltby wrote:
On Sat, 2008-09-13 at 01:10 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
Error: Missing Dependency: /usr/bin/rebuild-security-providers is needed
by package java-1.4.2-gcj-compat
I'm digging all over the place for this one. Has anyone a clue?? When I
yum whatprovides /usr/bin/rebuild-security-providers it returns:
jpackage-utils.noarch : JPackage utilities
I've installed this from several sources. Nothing seems to provide the
rebuild thing. I've used mc to looking inside the rpms I've found and
none have it. So, I would guess something else does. Thanks, Ric
I don't know the answer, but I have a guess. I've noticed that often a
prerequisite is installed one place (maybe it changed from a former
location) and the dependent thinks it's elsewhere. The solution is often
a symlink (until the dependent gets "caught up").
If you do an "updatedb" and then "locate security-providers", you might
get lucky. If it turns out that it's really not on your system, the
google approach often yields clues to a solution.
Thank you, Bill. I did that and it revealed much. I found that the
jpackage I installed was flawed, lacking that file. I used the rpm from
my CentOS DVD and that fixed it. I have my fingers crossed that Java7
will be un-encumbered legally enough that an official rpm can be
released with all of the JDK's glory intact, and mesh with the rpm way
of keeping packages and dependencies straight. Free Rainbow-Stew and
Bubble-Up are my next targets. I had the jdk installed in /opt and it
worked. Then I decided to put it into /usr/java using the rpm.bin. That
sure fixed things. Not! <grins> Ric
It should work if you follow the jpackage instructions for their nosrc
rpm where you download the Sun binary and rebuild it into an
alternatives-compatible package that also supplies the jvm dependencies
for the other jpackage packages. I won't try to be more specific than
that because I always find it confusing myself, but it does work if you
can find the right pieces.
Les Mikesell
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