tony.chamberlain@xxxxxxxxx wrote / napísal(a):
I have a shell script, /usr/bin/joevpn, which does a quick VPN
connect. Basically (HOST and DOFIL are defined above and are correct.
I just did not list them here)
case "$1" in
date > $DOFIL
while [ -f $DOFIL ]
echo y | /usr/local/bin/vpnclient connect $HOST
sleep 10
# Reconnects in case of disconnect (in while loop)
This works. And in /etc/init.d I have a runjoevpn (which linked to
/etc/rc5.d/S99runjoevpn). It works like the others. Below, $1 is checked
(not shown here for brevity) and if it is "start" then start below is
start() {
date >> /root/joe.log
/usr/bin/joevpn start &
return $RES
This all works and everything. I am just curious as to why when I do
a ps I get this:
/bin/bash /etc/rc5.d/S99runjoevpn
Shouldn't that init script terminate since I have an "&" when I do the
start() function above? No other rc5 stuff (i.e. tomcat for instance)
shows up in the ps, though tomcat is running, it started up and returned.
Is this OK or am I missing something?
Because you start it each 10 seconds and because of while construction
the start script NEVER end
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