Re: Will CentOS 6's upstream be based on Fedora 10?

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on 7-30-2008 7:36 AM Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu spake the following:
Hi All,

The subject says it all.  I'm asking because I've found Fedora 9 to be
buggy as hell - it is one of the worst Fedora releases I've ever used
(and I've been using it since Fedora Core 1).  I'm putting up with it
for my work laptop, but it's not fun. :(

My main home machine is still on Fedora Core 6 and will stay there until
CentOS 6 comes out.  I don't want to use CentOS 5 because it's upstream
is based on Fedora Core 6, and I want something new!  When CentOS 6
hits, I will be using it for my work laptop.

I might just keep Fedora for home my machine. I haven't decided yet if I
want to move up to Fedora 10 or CentOS 6.


Very hard to tell until upstream sets a freezepoint. It is usually based on whatever Fedora is current at that time. So it is probably a tossup between 9 and 10 looking at the projected date of release. I doubt that RedHat would release a real buggy enterprise version because they have to support it. But then in my opinion all Fedoras have been buggy in some way, usually because of the settling time for all the new stuff that gets dropped in.
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