Kai Schaetzl wrote:
I installed postgrey from rpmforge and wanted to use sysconfig to change
options instead of overwriting the init file. However, I get a weird
warning from postgrey. I'm not sure if this is a postgrey quirk or I use
sysconfig the wrong way.
OPTIONS="--unix=/var/spool/postfix/postgrey/socket --delay=660"
Hi Kai,
I got similar errors by corrupting my /etc/sysconfig/postgrey file, by
putting text into the delay value - i.e. I replaced 660 with 66O. I
suggest you recreate the file (from scratch) to make sure you haven't
got some odd binary data in their somehow (null's?).
BTW: Postgrey recommend a maximum delay of 300. Is there a reason
you're using 660?
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